A simple database API designed to work with custom key-based databases files serialized in JSON objects.
⚠️ The wiki for this project is currently under development. Stay tuned!
This framework is very useful when you want to work with simple databases designed on a key<->value system. In fact, this tool will help you managing a database serialized in a JSON string that contains a map containing keys and objects.
This can be very useful when you want to serialize entire objects without having to worry about tables such as MySQL ones. If you want an example of how this is designed, look at the Redis system.
As said before, the databases are serialized as a JSON object. This object is just the DatabaseObject class serialized using Google GSON api. If the format is not supported, the database won't be red.
The format of the file can be whatever you want, but you should use the .kybdb one, for a more clean way to detect which file is it.
If you want to use this framwork with Maven, you just have to add the following dependency:
Remember to replace the version with the latest one.