LED PWM Controller for camping van, PIC12F1572
For use with 12V lead battery, but 24v is also possible if voltages divisiors is adapted.
- 50W power, 15V max (or more if you change voltage divisor)
- UART controlled
- High frequency PWM (26khz), no audible noise and no flickering
- No Off current (potentiometer Mechanical switch)
- Low level battery monitornig ( Cutoff<=10.25V, 7%PWM Max<=11V, Normal>=11.5V)
- Simple Connector, 6.35 terminals
- OverCurrent protection
Schematics here...
Main parts are :
- PIC12F1572-E/MS Microcontroller (MSOP version)
- TE 17PCSA103MC19P Potentiometer with switch
- AP7383-33Y-13 Voltage Regulator
- RUEF500 PPTC Current protector
- TE 63951-1, 6.35 connector
STL 3D printed Housing provided in HW folder
UART has priority. To return to the potentiometer control, stop sending UARTs frames and turn the potentiometer a bit.
UART HW is 2 pin 2mm JST connector with RX only and GND, 3V3, 9600B, 8n1
B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | B5 | CHK |
- B1 = 0xCA
- B2 = 0xFE
- B3 = ADDR (currently define by preprocessor) or BrdCast (0xFF)
- B4 = LedMSB
- B5 = LedLSB
- CHK=B1+B2+B3+B4+B5 (8bit)
Compiler : XC8 2.10 IDE : MPLAB X V5.35 Programmer : Microchip PICKIT3