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Command tool Sequences

matthieuantoine edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 1 revision

Command tool - Sequences

Join a LoRaWAN network

>> SetLorawanRegion EU868
LoRaWan Region set
>> SetJoinEUI <JOIN_EUI>
Modem Join EUI set
>> SetDeviceEUI <DEVICE_EUI>
Device EUI set
>> SetNetworkKey <NETWORK_KEY>
Network key set
>> SetJoin

Launch scanning operations

Wi-Fi scan

>> WifiPassiveScan B 0x421 beacon 20 10 110 complete
Wi-Fi Scan Done (event size: 242):

GNSS Autonomous scan

>> GnssScanAutonomous 0x07 15
GNSS Scan Done:
 - NAV (<N> bytes): <NAV_MESSAGE>

GNSS Assisted scan

The modem must have the GPS time to execute an Assisted GNSS scan. Here, we use the ALCsync command to get it from network.

>> SetJoin
Join success event
>> EnableAlcSyncMode
ALC sync update event
>> GnssScanAssisted best_effort 0x07 15
 - NAV (<N> bytes): <NAV_MESSAGE>

Test commands

When switching from one test mode to another, one shall leave and restart test mode using commands TestRadioExit and StartTestMode.

Transmit a continuous wave

>> StartTestMode
>> TestTxCw 868800000 0
>> TestRadioExit

Send LoRa / FSK packets continuously

>> StartTestMode
>> TestTxContinuous 868100000 0 SF7 125KHz 4/5 100
>> TestRadioExit

Note that when using FSK, you still need to provide a valid bandwidth and coding rate.