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Method 1: Adding to load-path and loading

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/fanfic.el")
(require 'fanfic)

Method 2: Autoload

(let ((source "path/to/fanfic.el")
      (autoload-file "path/to/fanfic-autoloads.el"))
  (update-file-autoloads source t autoload-file)
  (load autoload-file))

If you use this method, make sure to autoload all needed fanfic modules.

Method ???: Whatever else you do to load a file.



  • fanfic-keywords
  • fanfic-protagonists
  • fanfic-antagonists
  • fanfic-cast


  • fanfic-keyword-face
  • fanfic-antagonist-face
  • fanfic-antagonist-nick-face
  • fanfic-cast-face
  • fanfic-nick-face
  • fanfic-protagonist-face
  • fanfic-protagonist-nick-face

Set these variables and faces to your liking before activating fanfic-mode.

Functions & Commands

As of version 3, functionality is split across modules (or features as Emacs calls them). For the time being (require 'fanfic) will also load fanfic-universe and fanfic-dramatis-personae, but not fanfic-extras. Future versions will rely on autoloading for these modules as well and only provide fanfic-core unless otherwise specified.

Fanfic Core and fanfic.el

  • fanfic-mode (minor-mode) adds highlights according to the variables and faces above.

  • fanfic-mode-recast re-evaluates the variables above to adjust highlights.

  • fanfic-add-highlights can be used while fanfic-mode is active to add highlights.

  • fanfic-remove-highlights can be used while fanfic-mode is active to remove highlights.

Universes (module fanfic-universe)

Universes are a feature of version 2.1 and above in order to handle different settings across different files or directories more easily. Instead of setting the fanfic variables per buffer or directory to include the whole cast, they can be specified as universes and then used with the fanfic-universes variable in a similar manner as before.

Each universe can have a cast in the form of ((PERSONAE . FACE) ...) and keywords in the form of ((KEYWORDS . FACE) ...). They can either be defined directly by using the fanfic-make-universe function or by writing a universe file. For the specifications of the universe file, have a look at fanfic-universe-from-string.

The function fanfic-safe-universe-p checks, whether a universe adheres to the specification. If this predicate returns t, it can be added to the list of available universes using fanfic-add-universe, after which it can be used with fanfic-universes as it was mentioned before. In order to load a universe from a file, fanfic-load-universe can be used instead.

Important note when upgrading from version 2: In version 2, universes had an additional field, that allowed the loading of an external Emacs Lisp module to define one's universe. This field is no longer in use and has been removed. Instead, add universes that are to be loaded on the first use to the fanfic-universe-dirs. Universes can under some circumstances be converted to the new format with fanfic-universe-to-string. Of course, modules written in Emacs Lisp can still be used to define universes.

Other modules

  • fanfic-dramatis-personae (from the fanfic-dramatis-personae module) inserts a dramatis personae into the current buffer.

  • fanfic-strip-scenes (from the fanfic-extras module) filter scenes depending on content.


"Useful" functionality to help typesetting fanfics







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