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Build an inventory tracking web application for a logistics company with the following features

  • Basic CRUD Functionality. You should be able to:

    • Create inventory items
    • Edit Them
    • Delete Them
    • View a list of them
  • Along with one additional feature:

    • Allow image uploads AND store image with generated thumbnails

For a video demonstration visit

Table of Contents


  • First create a Firebase Project
  • Go to your Firebase project Dashboard and click on storage in the build tab. Once you have initialized your firebase storage, inside the storage menu there will be a tab called Rules, where you would have to change the following line:
 allow read, write: if request.auth != null;


 allow read, write: if request.auth == null;
  • Generate an serviceAccountkey for your firebase project. Go to your Firebase project -> Project Settings -> Service Accounts and download the firebase SDK by clicking Generate New Private Key button
  • Rename the file to serviceAccountKey.json and put it in the root folder. The file will look like this
  "type": ,
  "project_id": ,
  "private_key_id": ,
  "private_key": ,
  "client_email": ,
  "client_id": ,
  "auth_uri": ,
  "token_uri": ,
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": ,
  • Create a .env file and enter your create a variable called BUCKET_URL and store your firebase bucket url
  • To install all the dependencies run
npm i
  • Please also run this command
brew install GraphicsMagick

How to Run it

  • To run the application, start up your terminal /command prompt ,and go to the project folder and then run the following command
node index.js


CRUD Functionality

  • All the inventry items are stored in the Firebase Database

  • Create inventory items : POST {/api/inventory/add}

    • Sample body request:
       "item" : "sanitizer",
       "qunatity" : 4
    • Sample Postman Request: Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6 47 41 PM
  • View inventory : GET {/api/inventory/view}

    • Sample Postman Request: Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6 48 57 PM
  • Edit inventory item : PUT {/api/inventory/edit}

    • Sample body request:
       "item" : "sanitizer",
       "qunatity" : 9
    • Sample Postman Request: Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6 50 27 PM
  • Delete inventory item : DELETE {/api/inventory/delete/$item_name}

    • In the request url replace $item_name with the item you want to delete from the inventory
    • Sample Request: Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 6 51 51 PM


  • Once images are uploaded, a thumbnail is generated which is then stored in the Firebase Storage that can be later downloaded using the download url genrated by Firebase

  • Upload Image and store the generated thumnbnail: POST {/api/image/upload}

    • Sample body request:
       "file" : test2.png
    • Sample Postamn Request: Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 8 32 56 PM
  • Image Download : GET {/api/images/download}

    • The file's download url is generated using firebase
    • Security during download:
      • The download url is an unique url generated by firebase
      • Since we have made some chnages in the security rules of the firesbase storage,any body for now can download the images
    • Sample body request:
       "imageName" : test2.png
    • Sample Postman Request: Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 8 33 13 PM

Future Features

  • Make the UI interface for the app
  • Update the create inventory request so that it accepts images as well.

Note for Shopify Developers

  • If required I will migrate to aws or gcp in the future releases.
  • Currently the create inventory request only accepts two body parameters which are item name and quantity, if required i can update it and store more metadata such as expirty date, product_condition,shipment date,etc

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