Hello! This is a technical-test to show my skills as a Junior QA Engineer for a very important company that is increasing its QA team 💪
The test consists of accessing this page and write automatic tests to test:
- The functionality of adding a to-do
- The functionality of completing a to-do
- The filters of to-do's (active / completed / all)
To carry out the task, I have prepared a small test plan intended to serve as a guide for the tests.
Add a single to-do:
input: write a single to-do,
output: the to-do list must have length 1.
Add 3 to-dos:
input: introduce 3 to-dos,
output: the to-do list must have length 3.
The to-dos render the correct text within the app:
input: introduce 3 to-dos,
output: every "li" label renders the text introduced.
The footer or to-do-list do not display when there are no to-dos:
input: no to-do introduced,
output: no to-do list or footer rendered within the app.
When the to-do is completed, it gets a different class:
input: introduce a to-do and mark as completed,
output: the class "completed" appears in the li(to-do) clicked.
Flow of typing 3 to-dos, mark one as completed and see what the filters show:
- input: add 1 todo and mark as completed,
- output: the to-do is crossed out.
- input: add other 2 to-dos and click the "All" filter,
- output: the 3 to-dos are visible, the filter "All" is selected, and the counter must contain: "2 items left".
- input: click the "Active" filter,
- output: 2 items are visible (not completed).
- input: click the "Completed" filter,
- output: the list has just one item and the counter is still saying: "2 items left".
- input: click the "Clear completed" filter,
- output: the list is empty and the input "new-todo" must be visible
🔹 Clone this project.
🔹 Install Cypres with npm install --save-dev cypress
🔹 Run the commandnpm run test:all
to run the tests and see the coverage.
🔹 Run the command npm run cy:open
if you want to rely on the visual tool:
the tool opens, but you must be sure that the server is running (use npm run start
in other terminal).
Then click the "todo.specs.js" and...