Pull from Duckerhub.
$ docker pull lennihein/roptool
Or build from source.
$ docker build --rm -f Dockerfile -t lennihein/roptool .
... Single line:
$ docker run --rm lennihein/roptool:latest 'rop ": pop rbp ; ret"'
# │ Address │ Gadget
0 │ 0x00000000000253a6 │ pop rbp
... Interactive Container:
$ docker run --rm -it lennihein/roptool:latest fish
root@hostname /# rop ": pop rbp ; ret"
# │ Address │ Gadget
0 │ 0x00000000000253a6 │ pop rbp
root@hostname /# rop ": push rax ; ret"
# │ Address │ Gadget
0 │ 0x000000000003ac83 │ push rax
rop "[: ]<instruction>[ ; ret]"
[: ]
: Limits the output to such gadgets that START with the given instruction.
[ ; ret]
: Limits the output to such gadgets that END with the given instruction.