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⚫ This is just a Fclone only version of Telegram bot Modified and updated by Nemesis - Here

🔷 Fclone is just another Tool like Autorclone/Folderclone/Gclone to bypass 750GB limit by google (more optimised for speed)

📗 Pre-requisites:-

  1. Install Python 3.7+(Latest version 3.8.3 recommended)
  2. You need Generated SAs (using Easiest method or Autorclone or Folderclone)
  3. Not needed if you are using Easiest method Open accounts Folder (inside Autorclone or Folderclone Folder) and select any one of the json files and rename it as 1.json
  4. Zip the accounts Folder and keep it safe you upload it to bot later
  5. Make a new bot from BotFather and get the Bot token Ignore 👉Bot Father Details
  6. Get your own Telegram ID - using this bot or rose bot type /id for rose bot

📙 Installation:-

Method 1

Docker Deployment easiest

  1. Installing docker compose
sudo apt update -y ; sudo apt upgrade -y; sudo apt autoremove -y; sudo apt install docker-compose -y
  1. Clone this repo using the command below or Download the Zip version of this repo and extract it
git clone
cd Fclone-Bot

3.Open config.ini (Its inside telegram_gcloner Folder) - Fill the appropriate values

path_to_gclone =./fclone

telegram_token = telegram bot token
user_ids = Your Telegram ID (multiple separated by commas, first ID is admin get it from type /id in rose bot to get id )
group_ids = Your Telegram Group ID (If you are not adding the bot to any group - you can leave it blank)

gclone_para_override = Leave it Blank
  1. Starting the Bot
sudo docker-compose up --build

Method 2

Normal Deployment without docker

  1. Download the Zip version of this repo and extract it or clone this repo using the command below
git clone
  1. Unzip the Repository and Open CMD inside it (if u used git clone - Change directory to cloned repository)- and run this
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Open config.sample.ini (Its inside telegram_gcloner Folder) - Fill the appropriate values
path_to_gclone =./fclone

telegram_token = telegram bot token
user_ids = Your Telegram ID (multiple separated by commas, first ID is admin get it from type /id in rose bot to get id )
group_ids = Your Telegram Group ID (If you are not adding the bot to any group - you can leave it blank)

gclone_para_override = Leave it Blank
  1. After filling appropriate values - rename it as config.ini and save it

🍎 Running the Bot

🔷 Running in Windows 10/11 System - python

🔷 Running in Linux System - python3

🔶 How to use the bot:-

  1. Once its done - go to Telegram Bot you created before and Press Start
  2. Upload the (we created before) to the bot
  3. Reply to the message with /sa
  4. Type /folders and set your favourite Folders
  5. Send or forward a message with a Google Drive link to the bot to start Copying...

📘 How To make SA

You can follow this guide which has images 👉 Image Guide Easiest

or a little difficult one 👇 because it just has text.

Create credentials.JSON in Google Cloud Console

  • Open (see in Video how to create it)

  • renamed to credentials.json the save to "Bot credentials" folder


  • Go to Click on the search bar find these 2 and enable them


Google Drive API

Identity and Access Management (IAM) API

Create Token.Pickle + Token_sa.Pickle + Service Accounts JSON Files from Windows CMD

  • Open CMD in gdrive tools directory
curl -o
pip -V (to confirm it's properly installed)

Generate Token.pickle

  • copy paste credentials.json from "Bot credentials" folder to mltb folder
pip install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
  • save token.pickle to "Bot credentials" folder


in case python3 command not working / not installed properly in your windows system. you can use python only command without 3 at the end

example below :


Generate Token_sa.pickle + SA Accounts folder

python -m pip install progress
python3 --quick-setup 1 --new-only
  • save SAs (service accounts) folder and token_sa.pickle to "Bot credentials" folder


in case python3 command not working / not installed properly in your windows system. you can use python only command without 3 at the end

example below :

python --quick-setup 1 --new-only

Add Service Account to SHARED DRIVE / TEAM DRIVE

  • Open POWERSHELL in windows Accounts folder
  • Copy Paste this command
$emails = Get-ChildItem .\**.json |Get-Content -Raw |ConvertFrom-Json |Select -ExpandProperty client_email >>emails.txt
  • **For linux **
grep -oPh '"client_email": "\K[^"]+' *.json > emails.txt
  • Go to

  • create a new group (DON'T add SA in the 3rd step while creating group)

  • open your group, go to members tab and press 'Add Members'

  • Copy all mails from \accounts\emails.txt and paste in 'Group members' field, then press 'Add Members'

  • open your SHARED DRIVE and add this Google Group (it will be something like as 'Content Manager'. Done!

  • Don't forget delete emails.txt in your local drive


  • add all the service accounts to your team drive by running this:
python3 -d YourSharedDriveID
  • If this does not work use
python -d YourSharedDriveID
  • You may check your team drive in order to see whether the service accounts are added or not. If it's added by 100 people, then it works. You can check the members too.


🧠 Nemesis - Here - Updating Bot to latest dependencies and adding Custom docker image

🧠 wrenfairbank - Here - Original Author of the Bot

🧠 Seiko - Here - Made the English version

🧠 Smartass - Here - Added docker and Heroku support heroku support removed as it's against tos

🧠 TheCaduceus - Here - For the Image guide on how to create sa


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details