This is a simple stack-based VM that can read in the S-Expression and complie them into bytecode, and finally execute them by interpreter. It has scope analysis, garbage collector. It also support lambda function and OOB programming.
./VM -e "(begin (var p (+ 5 3) ) p)"
-------------Disassembly: main ---------------------
0000 01 00 CONST 0 (5)
0002 01 01 CONST 1 (3)
0004 02 ADD
0005 12 00 GET_LOCAL 0 (p)
0007 14 01 SCOPE_EXIT 1
0009 00 HALT
result = EvaValue(NUMBER): 8
(var x (* 5 3))
(def adder(y)
(+ x y)
(var p (adder 6))
./VM -f ..path to code
-------------Disassembly: main ---------------------
0000 01 00 CONST 0 (5)
0002 01 01 CONST 1 (3)
0004 04 MUL
0005 18 00 SET_CELL 0 (x)
0007 11 POP
0008 19 00 LOAD_CELL 0 (x)
000A 01 02 CONST 2 (code 0x557819bb75f0: adder/1)
000C 20 01 MAKE_FUNCTION 1
000E 12 00 GET_LOCAL 0 (adder)
0010 01 03 CONST 3 (6)
0012 15 01 CALL 1
0014 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (p)
0016 14 02 SCOPE_EXIT 2
0018 00 HALT
-------------Disassembly: adder ---------------------
0000 17 00 GET_CELL 0 (x)
0002 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (y)
0004 02 ADD
0005 14 02 SCOPE_EXIT 2
0007 16 RETURN
result = EvaValue(NUMBER): 21
(var square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(square 2)
./VM -f ..path to code
-------------Disassembly: main ---------------------
0000 01 01 CONST 1 (square/1)
0002 12 00 GET_LOCAL 0 (square)
0004 01 02 CONST 2 (2)
0006 15 01 CALL 1
0008 14 01 SCOPE_EXIT 1
000A 00 HALT
-------------Disassembly: square ---------------------
0000 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (x)
0002 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (x)
0004 04 MUL
0005 14 02 SCOPE_EXIT 2
0007 16 RETURN
result = EvaValue(NUMBER): 4
(class Point null
(def constructor (self x y)
(set (prop self x) x)
(set (prop self y) y)
(def calc (self)
(+ (prop self x) (prop self y))
(class Point3D Point
(def constructor (self x y z)
((prop (super Point3D) constructor) self x y)
(set (prop self z) z)
(def calc (self)
(+ ((prop (super Point3D) calc) self) (prop self z))
(var p (new Point3D 10 20 30))
((prop p calc) p) //pass p as self
-------------Disassembly: main ---------------------
0000 09 04 GET_GLOBAL 4 (Point3D)
0002 21 NEW
0003 01 06 CONST 6 (10)
0005 01 07 CONST 7 (20)
0007 01 08 CONST 8 (30)
0009 15 04 CALL 4
000B 10 05 SET_GLOBAL 5 (p)
000D 09 05 GET_GLOBAL 5 (p)
000F 22 09 GET_PROP 9 (calc)
0011 09 05 GET_GLOBAL 5 (p)
0013 15 01 CALL 1
0015 00 HALT
-------------Disassembly: Point.constructor ---------------------
0000 12 02 GET_LOCAL 2 (x)
0002 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0004 23 00 SET_PROP 0 (x)
0006 11 POP
0007 12 03 GET_LOCAL 3 (y)
0009 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
000B 23 01 SET_PROP 1 (y)
000D 11 POP
000E 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0010 14 04 SCOPE_EXIT 4
0012 16 RETURN
-------------Disassembly: Point.calc ---------------------
0000 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0002 22 00 GET_PROP 0 (x)
0004 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0006 22 01 GET_PROP 1 (y)
0008 02 ADD
0009 14 02 SCOPE_EXIT 2
000B 16 RETURN
-------------Disassembly: Point3D.constructor ---------------------
0000 09 03 GET_GLOBAL 3 (Point)
0002 22 00 GET_PROP 0 (constructor)
0004 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0006 12 02 GET_LOCAL 2 (x)
0008 12 03 GET_LOCAL 3 (y)
000A 15 03 CALL 3
000C 11 POP
000D 12 04 GET_LOCAL 4 (z)
000F 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0011 23 01 SET_PROP 1 (z)
0013 11 POP
0014 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0016 14 05 SCOPE_EXIT 5
0018 16 RETURN
-------------Disassembly: Point3D.calc ---------------------
0000 09 03 GET_GLOBAL 3 (Point)
0002 22 00 GET_PROP 0 (calc)
0004 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
0006 15 01 CALL 1
0008 12 01 GET_LOCAL 1 (self)
000A 22 01 GET_PROP 1 (z)
000C 02 ADD
000D 14 02 SCOPE_EXIT 2
000F 16 RETURN
result = EvaValue(NUMBER): 60
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