This is a highlevel compiler. Currently it:
- parses
- type checks
- lifts closures/lambdas
- validates constants/aliases/intrinsics
- monomorphizes parametric types
All that needs doing is:
- check for valid main entry point
- drop all functions that never have a chance to be called
- code generation pass
Here is the test file:
using io;
constant array_size = 7;
constant pi = 3.14;
type Food {
u8 seeds;
{u8 r; u8 g; u8 b;} color;
u8 slices;
f32 skin_toughness;
{Salmon; Herring; Trout;} Species;
u8 good_in_soup;
alias fish_species {Salmon; Herring; Trout;};
Food change_enumerator = (
Food a = {Apple, 2, {255, 0, 0}};
Food b = {Fish, {Salmon,}, 1};
u8 seed_count = {a seeds};
{Salmon; Herring; Trout;} kind = {b Species};
fish_species spec = {b Species};
return a;
type fish{
u32 x;
u32 y;
koi {
{u8 r; u8 g; u8 b;} color;
cat {
u8 whisker_length;
} = 2;
state_enum state;
type state_enum {
swimming = 0;
dead{} = 1;
type ebdb {
frog body;
u8 tail_length;
type String [i8 16];
alias aString [i8 var 16];
type frog {
u8 number_eyes;
{u8 r;u8 g; u8 b;} color;
alias toad frog;
type vec3 {
u8 x;
u8 y;
u8 z;
alias colr {
u8 r;
u8 g;
u8 b;
type byte u8;
type player {
i64 x;
i64 y;
u8 hp;
u8 symbol;
frog pet;
byte flags;
u64 -> [u8] mem = \x [1,];
u8 -> player inst = \x {10, 10, 10, 2, {2,}, 1};
i64 -> u64 as_u64 = \x (3);
i64 -> u8 as_u8 = \x (return 4;);
u64 -> i64 as_i64 = \x ( i64 a = 5; return 5;);
u8 main = (
u8 w = 256;
u8 h = 256;
u64 -> u8 -> u64 coord = \a b ( a + (b * w));
player -> u64 plcoord = \pl ( (as_u64 {pl x}) + (w * {pl y}));
[u8 var] buffer = mem $ w * h;
u64 x = 6;
u8 y = 7;
u64 z = 6 * 2;
player bob = {as_i64 x, as_i64 $ 1 * y, 10, 1, {2,}, 0};
[buffer $ coord x y] = 0;
[buffer $ plcoord bob] = {bob symbol};
[buffer (plcoord bob)] = {bob pet number_eyes};
{bob pet};
frog jeff = {bob pet};
u8 var eyes = 1;
eyes = {jeff number_eyes};
byte eight = {bob flags};
i16 a = w + h;
ptr bob;
ptr ptr bob;
[player] ref = ptr bob;
[[player]] dptr = ptr ptr bob;
[ref symbol];
[[dptr] symbol];
return w;
u32 constants = (
i32 var a = 1;
[i32 var ] b = ptr a;
[i32 ] var d = ptr a;
[i16 var 2] c = [5, 6];
[i16 2] var e = [7, 8];
i16 y = 8;
i16 var h = y+1;
[i16 var 2] var ef = [y, h];
(([[i64 var ] var 6] var) -> i32 var) var aaf = \x (6);
aaf = \x (7);
return 8;
u8 partial = (
u8 -> u8 -> u8 sum = \x y (x+y);
u8 -> u8 add5 = sum 5;
return add5 6;
[i8] string = "This is an arbitrary string\n";
u8 single_block = (
return 7;
u8 single_inline = (return 7);
u8 single_application = return 7;
{u32 x;u32 y;} anon_structs = (
u32 x = 0;
u32 y = 0;
return {x,y};
f32 -> frog
nested_anonymous = \x (
frog a = {2, {255, 255, 0}};
return {21, [(ptr a) color]};
floats = (
f32 a = 4.6;
f64 b = 6.0;
i32 c = 7;
f32 d = 7;
return b;
f32 float_bind = (
i32 a = 7;
return a;
toad float_prim = (
i32 a = 7;
frog f = {3, {2, 2, 2}};
toad t = {2, {1, 1, 1}};
return f;
u8 show_aliases = (
[i8 var 16] ss = "abcdefghijkl";
aString sss = ss;
[ss 2] = 1;
String str = [1, 2, 3, 4];
String s = "abcdefghijkl";
[sss 2] = 1;
colr c = {1, 1, 1};
frog f = {2, c};
toad t = {3, c};
frog ff = t;
toad tt = f;
return {t color r};
u8 lambda_lifting = (
u8 b = 1;
u8 c = 2;
u8 -> u8 f = \x (x);
u8 a = \x y z ((y*z)+(f b)+x) 7 8 9;
return a;
u8 closure_lifting = (
u8 -> u8 f = \b (
u8 c = 2;
u8 a = \x y z ((y*z)+b+c+c+x) 7 8 9;
return a;
u8 a = 6;
u8 -> u8 capturing = \x (x+a+(f 4));
u8 b = capturing a;
return f 4;
u8 bu = (
u8 -> u8 a = \x (5+(a x));
return 5;
u8 procwrapper = (
[i8] -> procedure u8 print = \x (u8 y = 7;);
u8 -> [i8] -> procedure u8 assert = \condition message (
if condition (
print message;
return 1;
u8 x = 0;
assert (x==0) "x must be 0";
return 0;
u8 simple_conditionals = (
u32 var a = 0;
u32 var b = 1;
u32 c = if (a>b) 1 2;
if c (
a = 0;
b = 1;
u8 var d = 0;
u8 e = if a (
return 1;
) if b (
return 0;
) (
d = 1;
return 7;
if a (
return 1;
) if b (
return 0;
) (
d = 1;
return d;
procedure u8 more_procedures = (
(procedure u8) pr = (return 1;);
procedure u8 char_lits = (
i8 a = 'a';
[i8] stirng = "asdasdasdasd";
procedure f32 test_consts = (
u8 x = 0;
procedure f32 ff = (
[u32 array_size] current = [7,];
return pi;
procedure f32 casting = (
u8 x = 6;
[u8] xp = ptr x;
[f32] yp = xp as [f32];
[f64] zp = yp as [f64];
constant BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
procedure u64 sizes = (
u64 a = sizeof u8;
u32 b = sizeof (5+ 7);
[u8] buffer = (alloc $ (sizeof Food) * BUFFER_SIZE);
[fish] school = (alloc $ (sizeof fish) * BUFFER_SIZE) as [fish];
free buffer;
free school;
u8 procedure_access = (
u32 var i = 0;
u32 -> u32 inc = (+1);
procedure u8 x = (
i = i + 1;
i = inc i;
return 1;
u32 loops = (
u32 var sum = 0;
for 0 100 (+1) \i (
sum = sum + i;
first: for sum (sum+100) (\x (x+1)) \i(
sum = sum - i;
second: if (sum > 200)(
return 0;
return sum;
u32 while = (
u32 var i = 0;
if (1)(
if (i > 64)(
i = i+1;
i = 0;
while: if (1)( if (i > 64) (break :while;);
i = i+1;
continue :while;);
while: if (1)(
if (i > 64) (
break :while;
u32 -> u32 xx = \y (
//break :while;
return y + 1;
i = i+1;
continue :while;
return i;
better_literal_parsing = (
u32 positive = 7;
i32 negative = -8;
f32 fpositive = 9;
f32 fnegative = -8.9;
u32 octal = 0o076;
u32 hex = 0xFF;
u32 bin = 0b101101;
u32 noctal = -0o076;
u32 nhex = -0xFF;
u32 nbin = -0b101101;
f64 sci_not = 1.05E11;
f64 sfc_ntn = 5e-5;
return 0;
string_escape_literals = (
return "\t\n\"\\\"";
character_escape_literals = (
i8 x = '\n';
i8 y = '\'';
i8 z = '\\';
return '\'';
coersions = (
u8 x = 6;
return x;
procedure u64
size_checks = (
u64 var x = 0;
x = sizeof u8;
x = sizeof u16;
x = sizeof u32;
x = sizeof u64;
x = sizeof i8;
x = sizeof i16;
x = sizeof i32;
x = sizeof i64;
x = sizeof f32;
x = sizeof f64;
x = sizeof {u8 a; u8 b; u8 c;};
x = sizeof {u8 a; u32 b; u8 c;};
x = sizeof {u8 a; u64 b; u8 c;};
x = sizeof {u32 a; u64 b; u8 c;};
x = sizeof {u64 a; u64 b; u8 c;};
x = sizeof {u8 a; u8 d; u64 b; u8 c;};
x = sizeof [{f32 a; i8 b; u8 c; i32 d; i16 e;} 3];
type oNode (T) => {u8 x;};
type oMode T => {u8 x;};
(T) => u8 nap_cons = 7;
oNode (oMode [oNode (oMode [Food]) array_size]) -> u8 param_test = \x (1);
u8 nested_tested = (
u8 -> u8 bb = \x (x);
u8 c = (bb) 6;
return c;
T => T -> u8
morph_test = \x (
T y = x;
return 1;
T => T -> T
more_involved = \x (x);
u8 calling_test = (
u8 res = morph_test "hello this is a test";
u8 var ans = morph_test 5.6;
i8 more = more_involved 'F';
ans = morph_test "reuse";
return res + ans;
type Node T => {
T var data;
Cons {[Node] next;} = 1;
Nothing = 0;
T => (T->T) -> [(Node T)] -> [(Node T)]
map_cons = \f x (
[x data] = f [x data];
return x;
u8 -> u8 morph_aux = \x (x);
u8 type_morph_test = (
(Node u8) x = {6,Nothing};
[(Node u8)] y = map_cons morph_aux $ ptr x;
return {x data};
type Maybe T => {
Just {
T value;
u8 -> u8 -> Maybe u8
divide_byte = \numerand divisor (
return $ if (divisor == 0)
{Just, numerand / divisor};
u8 test_maybe_monad = (
u8 x = 8;
u8 y = 0;
Maybe u8 z = divide_byte x y;
return {z value};
u64 -> u64 -> u64 -> u64
fib = \a b count (
if (count > 0)
(fib b (a+b) (count - 1))
u8 nested_parametric = (
T => u8 -> T -> u8 npf = \x y(x);
return $ npf 1 2;
T => (Maybe T) only_type_mono = (
return $ Nothing;
u8 test_only_type_mono = (
(Maybe u8) x = only_type_mono;
return 0;