Boilerplate Microservice with Java 8 and Spring Boot with most part of all the basic configurations needed.
Please note that this is only a boilerplate microservice, there is not a defined business, many configurations and developments are forced to show all the different features of Spring Boot.
In order to deploy it, it is necessary only to create a database on SQL server, launch the scripts of the folder Documentation->SQL-Query (in order: create objects, load data, and Procedure Rename), and then create a user with the permission on that database with the username and password to overwrite in the file bikestores\src\main\resources\
After that you have only to deploy with Spring Boot Application and the profile dev.
Under the path "bikestores/Documentation/" you can find:
- The folder "SQL-Query" with inside the SQL Queries used;
- The image of the UML of the database "SQL-Server-Sample-Database.png";
- The collection to import on postman with all the REST requests.
You can download source and binaries from Github page.
- 1.0.0
- Initial commit of the first stable project on the repository
In Eclipse for the error "execution not covered by lifecycle configuration", select Window > Preferences > Maven > Errors/Warnings > execution not covered by lifecycle configuration > Ignore.
Luca Nocella
Java Developer – Naples – Italy