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💫 About Me:

🔭 I’m currently working on

A movie database project using Node.js and MySQL.
A hardware detection tool written in C++.
A static site generator using C++.
A CRM system for product returns.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on

C++ game development and open-source projects.
Backend development with Node.js.
Translating technical content from English to Spanish.
🤝 I’m looking for help with

React and Java for a job opportunity I'm exploring.
AWS cloud services.
🌱 I’m currently learning

AWS and React to expand my skill set.
Advanced backend patterns like DAO and Repository for Node.js.
💬 Ask me about

C++ programming, Node.js, game development, and database management.
⚡ Fun fact

I enjoy programming with a mate in hand, especially in the mornings and at night. Also, I'm getting into home workouts to stay fit!

🌐 Socials:

LinkedIn Twitch X

💻 Tech Stack:

C++ Windows Terminal Markdown HTML5 JavaScript Netlify NodeJS MySQL Postman Jira Trello Git GitHub

📊 GitHub Stats:

🔝 Top Contributed Repo

Pinned Loading

  1. UNLVirtual UNLVirtual Public

    Repositorio de actividades de la carrera de Diseño de videojuegos (Universidad del Litoral Virtual)


  2. smart-repositor smart-repositor Public

    App ABM JS Vanilla para reponer mercaderia (usando información de la web de coto digital)


  3. Herramientas_Vendedor Herramientas_Vendedor Public

    Herramienta web para vendedores: calculo de frigorías, calculo de watts


  4. BatchCerrarProgramas BatchCerrarProgramas Public

    Pequeño batch para cerrar programas (ifrun, iexplore)


  5. reporte-de-traspasos reporte-de-traspasos Public

    Extension de Google Chrome para imprimir reportes de traspasos


  6. hardware-detectionV2 hardware-detectionV2 Public

    New version of hardware detection software implemented in C++.
