Build up your vim environment quick and easy.
Besides, Oh-My-VIM can be installed in less than 1 minutes.
- neocomplcache: Autocomplete code. Which is almost the same as YouCompleteMe but much faster.
- CtrlP: File browser inside vim by <F3>.
- Python code check inside vim by <F7> (<F8> to hide).
- Auto Run: Auto run python code by <F5>.
- indentLine: See code clearly.
- vim-airline: Colorful status line.
- ... Almost anything you want.
- Quick Boot: With all these features, vim can boot within 1 second!!
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
VIM 8.0+ is required.
+python feature is required for some python plugin. You can check that by typing
vim --version | grep python
Pylint is required