ESP32 SmartMeter that reads data from Kaifa MA309 and converts it to Sunspec data model on Modbus server. Using Esphome framework providing web-ui and OTA-update.
This is an extension of this project. Thanks a lot for the good work.
- Fronius Gen24 inverter: config => "Kommunikation/Modbus RTU" as "Master"; add "Komponente/Primärzähler"
- Kaifa MA309 on VKW ( Vorarlberg Netz ). Note: Needs security key from energy provider.
- Note: MQTT was not used and never tested
- esp32 Lilygo RS485 / CAN. CAN-bus is not needed.
- M-Bus board
- wiring is similar to "credits" project, but see m-bus definitions in smart_meter.yaml for Lilygo board
- Fronius wiring: Modbus RTU shield, +, - to esp.RS485 A, B
- Kaifa broadcasts data in ~5sec interval
- receive data via M-Bus and convert them to Sunspec data model
- provide data on Modbus RTU - server
- Fronius inverter reads data in ~1sec interval
- if everything works correct, esp.led blinks green
- read the "SW installation" in the "credits" - project ( add your security key )
- for USB connection run (use your ttyUSB): "esphome run ./smart_meter.yaml --device /dev/ttyUSBx"
- for Wifi connection run (use your local address): "esphome run ./smart_meter.yaml --device"
- optional build / run the tests in "test" folder
- smart_meter_client: used to test the Modbus - server communication with an other Lilygo board running a Modbus - client
- GTest: for Sunspec model and Modbus - server
- "cos-phi" is low on low energy flows