###Unity BuildPipeline Automation Tool
- Builder is a BuildPipeline automation tool for Unity3D.
- Builder requires Unity 5 or UnityPro for any version below Unity 5 to function. [(More info)] (http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/BuildPipeline.html)
- You are encouraged to contribute to the project!
- Tested on Windows 7,8 and 10. It should also work on other systems in theory ^^
Builder uses following scripts from other Authors to implement some features;
- [MiniJSON by Calvin Rien] (https://gist.github.com/darktable/1411710)
- [CommandLineCustomArguments by EpixCode] (https://github.com/EpixCode/CommandLineCustomArguments)
###UI Cheat Sheet
- Save : Overwrites current configuration
- Load : Opens file dialogue to load a new configuration.
- Save as Default : Saves current configuration as default configuration.
- Save as : Well, pretty self explanatory isn't it :)
- Load Default : Loads default configuration.
- Refresh Scenes : Loads scene information defined in Build Settings.
- Reset Settings : Clears current configuration, Resets default configuration and tool settings to their initial states.
###Using Builder with Command Line
- Import Builder into your project.
- Define a new Configuration using Builder UI.
- Save your configuration using Save as button in Builder UI.
- Now you can use saved configuration to call Builder from command line.
Sample code
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" -quit -batchmode -projectPath "<projectPath>" -executeMethod Builder.CommandLineBuild -CustomArgs:confPath="<Configuration File Path>"