4979 commits
to main
since this release
Release 9.0.2-B0 / 1.13.6-E0
Bug Fixes
- Do not try to recycle the nil guide!
- Do not try to load guides before the user has logged in fully
- Allow secondary addons to define their own tags
- Fix bug with Inscription skill lines (Retail only)
Guide Updates
- Achievements: SL Sojourners & RaresTreasures
- Leveling Alliance: Dragonblight
- Leveling Horde: Blackfathom_Deeps, BFA_Intro, Ashenvale, Azshara, Stonetalon, Twilight Highlands, Belf Intro, Dragonblight
- Leveling Neutral: Deepholm, Silithus, Argus
- Leveling Shadowlands: Ardenweald, Bastion, Covenant, Maldraxxus, Revendreth
- Professions: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting (all expansions)
- World Events: Lunar Festival, Midsummer, Darkmoon
- Horde: Durotar, 31-40 Jame