3989 commits
to main
since this release
Release 9.1.5-A2 / 1.14.1-A3 / 2.5.3-A1
Bug Fixes
- Hendo72: Fix placement of Currrent Guide tooltip
- Hendo72: Fix Current Guide tooltip to account for ACTIVE tags or steps with no QID
- Ookami313: Add [Ascension Crafting] to skill table.
Guide Updates
Retail Leveling
- Alliance: Hellfire Penninsula, Draeni Intro, Night Elf Intro
- Horde: Northern Barrens
- Neutral: Bastion, Eternity's End (PTR)
Retail Dailies
- Alliance: Tol Barad, Shieldwall, Isle of Thunder, Argent Tournament, Honor Hold, Icecrown, Valience Expedition, Pilgrims Bounty, Wildhammer
- Horde: Tol Barad, Pandaria Pet Battles, Isle of Thunder, Dominance Offensive, Pilgrims Bounty, Argent Tournament
Classic Leveling
- Alliance: Alliance 50-55
Burning Crusade Classic Leveling
- Alliance: Alliance 42-50
- Horde: Horde Chapter II/III, Un'Goro Crater