2160 commits
to main
since this release
Release 2023.03.23.A
Bug Fixes
- Added HOA (Heart of Azeroth) tag for quest gating
- Added DF support to releases table
- Added new command: /wp trade-bug for debugging tradeskills issues
- Fixed wildcard Professions tag support
- WoLK switched to using the
API (Why Blizzard?) - Updated zone data for DF
- Fixed TrashItem tag function (Blizzard changed the security level of some functions)
Known Bugs
- Switching to the correct options pane/sub-pane is wonky
- Frame size settings are not preserved across reloads
Guide Updates
- World Events: Lunar Festival, Love is in the Air
- Achievements: FR Dragon Riding Glyphs
- Dailies: Pandaria Pet Leveling
- Leveling: 54 guides were updated. @Cagomei and @hendo have been quite busy!
- No Classic guides were harmed during this release
- Alliance: Howling Fjord, Icecrown
- Horde: Blef Intro, Ghostlands, Horde Chapter 1+2, Felwood, Winterspring