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cvms 1.5.0

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@LudvigOlsen LudvigOlsen released this 18 Jun 11:50
· 57 commits to master since this release


  • NEW: We created a Plot Confusion Matrix web application!
    It allows using plot_confusion_matrix() without code. Select from multiple
    design templates or make your own.

  • For (palette=, sums_settings(palette=)) arguments, tile color
    palettes can now be a custom gradient. Simply supply a named list with hex
    colors for "low" and "high" (e.g. list("low"="#B1F9E8", "high"="#239895")).

  • Adds intensity_by, intensity_lims, and intensity_beyond_lims
    arguments to sum_tile_settings() to allow setting them separately
    for sum tiles.

  • Adds intensity_lims argument which allows setting a custom
    range for the tile color intensities. Makes it easier to
    compare plots for different prediction sets.

  • Adds intensity_beyond_lims for specifying how to handle counts / percentages
    outside the specified intensity_lims. Default is to truncate the intensities.

  • Fixes bug where arrow size was not taking add_sums into account.