⚠️ This repository hosts the version 2 of the library!This version of the library works with Angular 18 and higher.
The old version - version 1 of the library, that works with Angular 16, is now deprecated and will no longer receive updates or bug fixes.
If you're looking for the old repository, you can find it here: Old Repository.
Please consider migrating to the new version to take advantage of the latest features and improvements.
ngx-dynamic-headings is a library to help you generate heading levels in your Angular app dynamically, at run-time.
This open-source project welcomes contributions from the community to improve and enhance its functionality.
This repo contains the library source code as well as a playground web app to test the lib behaviour.
Make sure you have following software installed:
- Node.js v20+
- Angular CLI v18+ (optional)
- Install project dependencies:
npm install ngx-dynamic-headings --save
Import the directive in your standalone component:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxDynamicHeadingDirective } from 'ngx-dynamic-headings';
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [ NgxDynamicHeadingDirective ],
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrl: './app.component.scss'
export class AppComponent {
Then use the <h> tags wherever you want dynamic headings to be generated
<h1>This is the h1 heading</h1>
<h>This will generate an h2 heading at runtime</h>
<h>This will generate an h2 heading at runtime</h>
<h>This will generate h3 heading at runtime</h>
<h>This will generate h3 heading at runtime</h>
We welcome contributions from the community. There are several ways you can contribute to ngx-dynamic-headings:
If you encounter any bugs or issues, please search the GitHub Issues to check if it has already been reported. If not, open a new issue, describing the problem and steps to reproduce it.
If you have an idea for a new feature or improvement, please check the existing issues to see if it has been suggested before. If not, feel free to open a new feature request issue, explaining the proposed feature and its benefits.
Improving documentation is valuable for the project. If you find any inaccuracies or have suggestions for improvements, please submit a pull request with your proposed changes.
Go to ngx-dynamic-heading docs
We encourage contributors to write tests for new features and bug fixes. Make sure all tests pass before submitting your contribution.
To run tests, run the command npm run test
All contributions are reviewed by the maintainers before merging. Be patient during the review process and be prepared to address any feedback or suggestions. Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged into the main
If you want to contribute code, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch from the
branch. - Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages - please note that this project uses conventional commits in order to keep consistent commit message style as well as a CI pipeline which works by analyzing commit messages. Read more about commit messages style.
- Test your changes thoroughly.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Open a pull request, describing the changes and linking any related issues.
To test the lib code in the dev environment, build the library with
npm run build ngx-dynamic-headings
Then in package.json change ngx-dynamic-headings dependency to point to locally built lib files:
"ngx-dynamic-headings": "file:./dist/ngx-dynamic-headings",
And run npm install
After that, simply include the directive in your app project and follow the usage usage instructions.
Run npm run start
to run a development server. This app is used as a playground to experiment with the ngx-dynamic-headings library
This project uses conventional commits, so make sure all commits adhere to conventional rules. Learn more at https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
Setup appropriate git hooks with husky by running:
npx husky init
Then change the commit-msg content in /.husky/_/commit-msg to be:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
npx --no-install commitlint --edit "$1"
This will prevent you from writing any commit message format.
You can use commitizen to help you write appropriate commit message format of conventional commits.
Try it by typing
npm run commit
and answer the prompts to create your commit message
You can, instead of commitizen use conventional-commits VSC extension
Make sure extension conventional-commits is installed.
Type Ctrl + Shift +P
Then enter conventional-commits and then just answer the questions regarding your commit
To run unit tests run npm run test
or npm run test:dev
to run it in watch mode.
We follow a Code of Conduct to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all contributors. Please review and abide by it when participating in the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Thank you for taking an interest in ngx-dynamic-headings ! Your contributions will be invaluable in making the project better. Happy coding!