Use genetic algoritms for optimalize/aproximate circuics with accepted error on output or without it. This tool was created as a part of bachelor thesis at BUT FIT, this thesis is available at .
CGP Loss optimalization shortly cgploss
is YOSYS extension. For run it you need YOSYS ( after you build and install YOSYS you can use this extension. Firstly you need load cgploss
as extension in yosys. The goal of CGP Loss is create optimalized circuic with small output error and minimalize amount of electic power to run this circuic.
yosys -m
is builded YOSYS extension what you can build or download from github (Release builds).
cgploss [options]
-wire-test test load and save part, do not use CGP only load and save [DEBUG]
-save_individuals create debug file with all individuals (debug.json) [DEBUG]
-keep_delay Keep delay of circuic do not make it worse
-save_final=file save final chromosome to file
-load_init=file load inital chromosome from file
-ports_weights=file ports weights file
-selection_size=size size of selected individuals on end of generation
-generation_size=size number of individuals in generation
-max_one_error=0..inf maximal accepted error of circuic (one combination)
-generations=count count of generations
-mutations_count=count number of mutation for center of normal distribution
-mutations_count_sigma=num sigma for normal distribution
-parents=1..2 number of parents for kid
-power_accuracy_ratio=0..1 float number for loss (1 - power_accuracy_ratio) * abs_error + power_accuracy_ratio * power_loss
-max_abs_error=num maximal accepted abs error of circuic (all combinations)
-cross_parts=2..inf number of crossover points for cross individuals
-l-back number for mutation. how many back gates can use this gate
-status show complete generations ids and best loss
-profile for profile extesion print data in format {tranzistros}-{MAE}-{WCE}-{score};
-max_duration=1..inf maximal time duration of optimalization in minutes
-representation={aig, gates, mig} reprezenation of circuic for CGP
yosys> read_verilog code.v
yosys> techmap
yosys> cgploss -ports_weights=ports.cfg -max_one_error=1 -generations=100
# Test desctiption file for CPG
# This file test normal working file
# generic argments
\sum: msb-first
\spi_data: lsb-first
\spi2_data: LSB-FIRST
# custom arguments
\uart_rx: 1024
# LSB = 0, MSB = 2
\uart_tx: 2 4 8 10
After clone you need init all git submodules for success build. You can init submodule using this commands.
git submodule init
git submodule update
For build you need forder with YOSYS source codes, this forder is included as git submodule yosys
. Build as it self can be run using makefile using simple make command.
need packages build-essential clang
# or multicore with package 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑜𝑚𝑝−𝑑𝑒𝑣
make multicore
# if you want to use realMig backend use
make realMig
# or multicore
make realMigMulticore
need package iverilog
make tests build cgploss extension (default)
multicore build cgploss extension with multicore support
tests run tests
test dir=name start test with name
yosys/yosys build yosys submodule
run run yosys with extension
clean clean repo