Django interface for LinkedIn API data extraction. Easily adjustable functionality, with REST API backend and Vue.js frontend features like dynamic search. Database hosts Irish companies (location: Ireland) from three sectors: financial, IT & education. Find out more with statistical data dashboard about a sector or search for more information regarding chosen company.
Choose one of three different sector insights or find company information via searchbox
Data was scraped with Scrapy + Selenium combo v& LinkedIn API.
Dataset was preprocessed with pandas.
Classical database analytics done with pandas, scikitlearn and Chart.js
Full Company listing view
User handling via RESTFUL Api with Token Authorization.
Apply Property Value Estimator algorithm via RESTFul Api.
Django RESTful
pandas | numpy | scikit-learn
Vue.js | Vuex | Materialize | Chart.js
Docker | Heroku | Travis CI | AWS S3
Postgres | SQLite
scrapy | selenium
django.test | coverage