Integrated Open-Source Firmware for LumiLight
- NodeMCU ESP8266 Module
- LDR Light Sensor Module
- DO -> D2 | (+) -> 3v | (-) -> Gnd
- AC to DC (5V,1A) Converter
- (+) -> Vin | (-) -> Gnd
- LED Light Indicator
- (+) -> D1 | (-) -> Gnd
- Install Drivers, This modules has plug & play CH340g USB-TTL IC.
- Windows Driver :
- Linux Driver :
- Mac Driver :
- Linux & Mac Drivers Have Instalation Instructions Inside.
- Arduino-IDE :
- Choose Preferences in the File menu and enter the copied code( in Additional Board Manager URLs part. Then press OK.
- Search the word ESP8266 in Boards>boards manager from Tools menu. Then install ESP8266 boards. After complete installation, you will see the INSTALLED label on ESP8266 boards.
- Open the Arduino Library Manager, Search for “ArduinoJson”, Click install.
- Select Board : NodeMCU 12E
- Upload NodeMCU_Firmare.ino