- ✨ TypeScript
- 📦 Yarn
- ⚡️ Next.js 13
- ⚛️ React 18
- 💨 Tailwind CSS 3
- 📎 SVG Support
- 🃏 Jest
- 🐙 React Testing Library
- 📖 Storybook
- 📏 ESLint — Find and fix problems in your code, also will auto sort your imports
- 💖 Prettier — Format your code consistently
- 🐶 Husky — Run scripts on your staged files before they are committed
- 🤖 Conventional Commit Lint — Make sure you & your teammates follow conventional commit
- 🌸 React Query
- 🔜 Another cool features will be added soon...
- 📋 React Hook Form
- ✅ Yup
- 🌐 Jotai/Zustand (?)
Use this repository as template
Disclosure: by using this repository as a template, there will be an attribution on your repository.
I'll appreciate if you do, so this template can be known by others too 😄
npx create-next-app -e https://github.com/rizbud/next-boilerplate project-name
npx degit rizbud/next-boilerplate YOUR_APP_NAME
Deploy it directly to Vercel
It is encouraged to use yarn so the husky hooks can work properly.
yarn install
You can start the server using this command:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/index.tsx
For storybook documentation, please visit Storybook.
You can start the Storybook using this command:
yarn storybook
Open http://localhost:6006 with your browser to see the result.
This template uses conventional commits to make sure your commit messages are consistent and readable.
Before commiting your changes, install husky using this command: (Optional - since already installed when running yarn install
yarn prepare
To commit your changes, you can use this command:
yarn commit
This command will open an interactive CLI to help you write your commit message.
For testing documentation, please visit Jest and React Testing Library.
You can start the test using this command:
For watch mode:
yarn test
with coverage:
yarn test --coverage
For single run:
yarn test:ci
with coverage:
yarn test:ci --coverage
You can build your app using this command:
yarn build
You can run your app using this command:
yarn start