Data grid for Vue.js with sorting, filtering, paging, templating and remote data loading. Depends only on Vue.js.
- Run:
npm install vue-dg
- Import module:
import DataGrid from "vue-dg";
//optional locale:
- Import css with:
import 'vue-dg/dist/DataGrid.css';
- Can bind to local data (array) or remote data (WebApi or Kendo DataSourceRequest)
- Server side filtering, sorting paging
- Column definitions as sub-components
- Built in filter panels for a date, date-time, number, text, boolean and enumerable types
- Localization support (language and data formatting settings)
- Custom column templates with slots, functions and rendering functions
- Row details
- Data grouping
<data-grid source="api/products" type="odata">
<data-column field="status" title="Status" :values="statuses"></data-column>
<data-column field="created" title="Create date" type="date" :sort-order="1" sort-dir="desc"></data-column>
<data-column field="important" title="Important" type="bool" icon="fa fa-exclamation"></data-column>
<data-column title="Commands" template="commands-tpl" width="150px"></data-column>
<div slot="commands-tpl" slot-scope="{row}">
<a :href="'details/'">Details</a>
Use DataColumn component to data columns. DataColumn is a full functional Vue component. You can bind it's attributes to your Vue instance, use v-if for conditional rendering or v-for for dynamic column insertion.
Property | Type | Info |
title | string | Column title. |
field | string | Data field bound to column. Can be null if column will be manually rendered. |
template | string, function | Slot name used as template or function returning slot name or function returning VNode . Function will be called with arguments: field value, row item, CreateElement. |
render | function | Function used for custom field rendering. Function should return string or VNode . Function will be called with arguments: field value, row item, CreateElement. |
headTemplate | string | Slot name used for custom header rendering. |
sortable | bool | True by default. Column can be sorted when this value is set to true, field attribute is set |
width | string | Width of column used in css. Can be pixels (ex. 100px) or percent (ex. 20%) |
type | string | Type of data presented in column. Required for auto-formatting and filters. See section below |
formatOptions | string | Additional options that can passed to data formatter when type property is in used. |
values | array | Array of values for automatic key value replacement. See section below. |
icon | string | CSS class name for header icon. |
filter | string, bool | When set to false disables filtering. When set to string overrides default filter component assigned to column type . |
sortOrder | int | Indicates default ordering when grid is loaded. |
sortDir | asc or desc | Sorting direction. |
Data grid supports few commonly used data types. Each data type has it's formatting rules and filtering component specified. If you don't specify the column type attribute you won't be able to filter data.
Type name | Description |
bool | Logical value displayed as Yes or No. |
date | Date without time using the format from the configuration. Use formatOptions to specify custom format. Default format can be specified in plugin configuration. |
dateTime | Date with time using the format from the configuration. Use formatOptions to specify custom format. Default format can be specified in plugin configuration. |
double | Value formatted as a number with decimal and thousand separator. Ex. 1234.3 -> 1 234,40. Custom format can be specified with formatOptions property. Ex. :format-options="{precision: 2, thousand: ' ', separator: ','}" . Default format can be specified in plugin configuration. |
decimal | Same as double used when the column is bound to a decimal field in OData source. |
int | Shows only whole number part. |
This property can be used for two things. Displaying key value mapped data and/ or creating drop down filter with defined values.
Suppose you have enum field with status represented as int value. You can use type
property to specify how this value should be mapped to a user friendly value. Column filter will be changed to drop down filter containing all available values.
<data-column field="status" :values="[{key:1, value:'Pending'}, {key:2, value:'Accepted'}]"></data-column>
property can be also used when you want to narrow down the list of available values that can be used in the column's filter.
<data-column field="userLogin" :values="['admin','root','john.doe']"></data-column>
You can use slots for defining column and header template.
<data-column template="custom-template"></data-column>
<div slot="custom-template" slot-scope="{row}">
{row.price} {row.currency}
You can add custom content to the grid page footer using footer
<div slot="footer">
custom footer item
Property | Type | Info |
page | int | Current page number. Can be sync. Starts from zero. |
pageSize | int | Number of rows on one page. Default: 10. Ignored when pageable property is set to false. |
reloadEvent | string | Event name for triggering data reload. See section below. Default: grid-reload. |
source | string or array | Data bound to the grid. See section below. |
type | string | Type of source bound to the grid. See section below. |
sourceArgs | object | Additional arguments for the data source. See section below. |
isLoading | bool | Indicates if the grid is currently loading data from a server. |
noDataTemplate | string, function | Slot name used for rendering grid body when no data is present. When a function is specified, it should return a slot name or a VNode with template content. |
idField | string | Identity field name. Required for selecting and displaying row details. Can also be configured globally. |
sorting | array | Currently applied sorting. Can be sync. |
selectedIds | array | Currently selected rows ids. Can be sync. |
selected | array | Currently selected row items. Emit only. |
groupTemplate | string or function | Defines grouping template. See section about data grouping. |
selectionMode | none, single, multi | Default: none. |
checkboxes | bool | Should checkboxes be displayed in multi selection mode. Default: true. |
keepSelection | bool | Should selected row ids be remembered when grid page is changed. Default: false. |
sortable | bool | Default: true. |
pageable | bool | Default: true. |
filterable | bool | Default: true. |
canReload | bool | Should reload button be displayed. Default: true. |
uri | string | Emits current source url (with applied sorting and filtering) constructed by data source. |
pageUri | string | Emits current page url (with applied sorting, paging and filtering) constructed by data source. |
rowClass | string, function | Additional CSS class for rows. The function will be called for each row with row as its argument. The function can return a string or an array of strings with class names. |
filters | array | Additional filters applied to the data source. See section below. |
columnFilters | array | Filters selected by the user through popups. Can be sync. |
detailsTemplate | string, function | Slot name used for displaying row details. When a function is specified, it should return slot name or VNode with row details. See section below. |
theme | string | Grid theme. Currently only the light theme exists. Default: dg-light. |
If you need to reload currently displayed grid page emit event from your Vue model:
You can bind directly to array of objects by simply using source
<data-grid :source="someArray">...</data-grid>
Use source
attribute for specifying the data url. Use type
attribute for specifying remote source type.
Name | Description |
odata3 | OData v3. |
odata4 | OData v4. |
odata | The latest version of the protocol, works in the same way as odata4. |
kendo-mvc | Telerik's DataSourceRequest. |
If you need to pass additional variables to OData source you can use sourceArgs
<data-grid source="odata/items" type="odata" :source-args="[{name: 'customVar', value: 'value'}]">...</data-grid>
You can create custom data source type by registering it with:
DataGrid.addRemoteSource("typeName", urlBuilder, dataMapper);
is a function called with url and request parameters. dataMapper
is a function used to map server response to a single data page.
See mapData
and buildUrl
function definitions in OData implementaiton for more details.
You can group data rows using GroupField
component. All properties of GroupField
component are reactive so you can bind them or use v-if for conditional grouping.
<data-grid group-template="group-tpl">
<group-field field="category" :order="0" direction="desc"></group-field>
<group-field field="subCategory"></group-field>
<div slot="group-tpl" slot-scope="{group}">
<span>Category: {{group.category}}</span>
<span>Sub category: {{group.subCategory}}</span>
Property | Type | Info |
field | string | Grouped field name |
order | number | When multiple group fields are specified, use this property to specify the grouping order |
direction | string | asc or desc. Default: asc |
You can use the groupTemplate
property of the DataGrid
component to specify the template of data group header row. You can bind a named slot name or a function which should return a VNode or named slot name. If you bind a function, it will be called with the following arguments: object with grouped key values, CreateElement
groupTemplate: string | ((item: any, h: CreateElement) => string | VNode)
There are three sources of data filters in use.
- User filters. Filters selected by user from filter popups. Use
property to view them. - Bound filters. Additional filters read from
property. - Filter components. Filters defined with components placed inside DataGrid.
You can specify filters that will be always applied to the data source by using sub components placed inside DataGrid.
<filter-field :field="status" :value="2"></filter-field>
<filter-field :field="status" :value="1"></filter-field>
<filter-field :field="price" :value="200" operator="gt"></filter-field>
<filter-field :field="active" :value="true"></filter-field>
Filter produced by this definition:
(status=2 OR status=1) AND (price > 200) AND active=true
You can use v-if directive for conditionally enabling or disabling filters.
If you want to define filters in code you can bind them to filter
<data-grid :filters="[{filters: [{field: 'status', value:2}, {field: 'status', value:1}]}, {field: 'active', value: true}]"</data-grid>
Filters selected by the user are stored in columnFilters
property. Always use sync
modifier when binding to this property.
Name | Description |
eq | Equals. Used by default. |
gt | Greater than. |
gte | Greater than or equal. |
lt | Lower than. |
lte | Lower than or equal. |
neq | Not equal. |
in | The value must be in the specified set. Provide an array of values as filter value. |
substr | Column contains specified text. |
You can use slot or provide function returning VNode
with row details.
<data-grid details-template="details-tpl">
<div slot="details-tpl" slot-scope="{item}">
<div>Id: {{}}</div>
<div>Status: {{item.status}}</div>
Details function can be defined like this:
methods: {
details(row, h) {
return h("div", {},;
DataGrid component can be fully localized. You can configure language and calendar settings with:
You can use English or Polish localization. If you want to create your own localization, check example localization file.
You can define custom data types that can be used to format column value and/ or provide custom filter control.
DataGrid.addType("customType", {
//every parameter is optional:
//you can return VNode:
formatter: (value, options, h, rowData) => h("b", ["custom html", value]),
//or string:
//formatter: (value) => "Hello: "+value,
filterComponent: "CustomFilter",
filterParams: { customParam: true }
The formatter
is a function invoked for each cell value in the given column. Arguments passed to the function are: field raw value, options defined in formatOptions column property, rendering function. The function should return VNode created with rendering function or plain string.
The filterComponent
parameter can be used to specify what type of component should be used in column filter popup menus. If this value is not specified or empty data column of this type will not be filterable.
The filterParams
is an optional object that will be passed as property to filterComponent instance. This value can be used to parameterize filtering component.
Component | filterParams parameter |
BoolFilter | |
DateFilter | |
NumericFilter | {decimal: true|false} |
DateTimeFilter | |
TextFilter | |
ValueListFilter |
You can use the setSettings
method to configure DataGrid. You can pass an object containing only those settings which should be overridden.
DataGrid.setSettings({idField: "id"});
Config key | Description | Default value |
idField | Identity field name. Required for selecting and displaying row details. | id |
thousandSeparator | Character used as thousand separator in default numeric formatters. | " " (single space) |
decimalPrecision | Numer of decimal places to displayed by default numeric formatters. | 2 |
decimalSeparator | Character used to separate decimal and integer part of numeric value. | . |
ignoreDateOffset | Ignores utc offset information when parsing dates provided as string values in date and dateTime formatters. | false |
defaultRemoteSource | What data source type should be used when type property is not specified and the source is not an array of objects |
null |
You can use setCalendar
method to customize the calendar used in data and dateTime filter components. You can pass an object containing only those settings which should be overridden.
DataGrid.setCalendar({weekStart: 0});
Config key | Description |
dateFormat | Date (without time) format defined with tokens. See section below. |
datePlaceholder | Text displayed as a placeholder for date input. |
timeFormat | Time (without date) format defined with tokens |
timePlaceholder | Text displayed as a placeholder for time input. |
dateTimeFormat | Date and time format defined with tokens. |
dateTimePlaceholder | Text displayed as a placeholder for date and time input. |
dayNames | Array of abbreviated day names starting with Sunday. |
monthNamesFull | Array of full month names. |
monthNamesShort | Array of abbreviated month names. |
weekStart | First day of a week. Use 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday. |
yearFormat | Text representing year in the calendar header. For example, you can use "{year}年" value to properly suffix year value in Japanese locale. |
monthFormat | Text representing month in the calendar header. For example, you can use "{month}月" value to properly suffix month value in Japanese locale. |
yearRangeFormat | Text that represents the year range in decade calendar mode. For example, you can use "{from}年 - {to}年" value to properly suffix years in Japanese locale. |
monthFirst | Boolean value indicating the month and year display order in calendar header. |
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