If it is dealing with RF and its not a radio it goes in here
SDR Board
contains files related to the SDR chip and AD9361
SDR Carrier Board
contains files related to the dev carrier board
- Analog Devices ADRV1-9361-Z7035 (ADRV9361) System-on-a-Chip (SoC) SDR
- Analog Devices ADRV1CRR-FMC Carrier Board
- CyBox
- Professor Matthew Nelson Master's Thesis - Radiometer SDR
- Intro to SDRs
/AD9361 Resources
contains files related to the connection the to the Radiometer/sdr_dev
contains all the dev files running on the SDR chip
To run program on boot-up, I followed the following steps:
- sudo nano /etc/rc.local
- added the line "sudo python /home/analog/Documents/sdr_dev/startup_radiometer_app.py &" to the end of the file before "exit 0"
- sudo reboot