[MATLAB] Small Matlab codes that can be used in a more complex context
- Device control
- THORLABS_KINESIS_SOLENOID: control a Thorlabs Shutter SH05 with a KSC001 K-Cube controller
- THORLABS_KINESIS_BRUSHED MOTOR CONTROLLER: control a Thorlabs PRM1/MZ8 rotation motor with a KSC001 K-Cube controller
- THORLABS_KINESIS_BRUSHED DC MOTOR CONTROLLER: control two Thorlabs MTS25/M-Z8 motors with a KDC001 K-Cube controller
- THORLABS_KINESIS_BRUSHED DC MOTOR CONTROLLER_FOLLOW_CALIBRATION: moce two Thorlabs MTS25/M-Z8 motors with a KDC001 K-Cube controller according to a calibration table
- You need to install the latest version of Kinesis with the default parameters on the Thorlabs website (https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=10285)
- You need Matlab 2024a or a newer version
If you contact me, I can provide you with a version that is compatible with yours (older or newest).
Copy and paste onto your local disk all the files contained in the specific folder corresponding to what you need.
You should first be sure that the current Thorlabs path is proprely set into the "shutter.m":
or the "motor.m" file:
- In Matlab, click on the APP tab
- Click on the Design App button
- In the Matlab App Designer, click on Open... button and select the xxx.mlapp file
- Click on Run
- V1.0, Thorlabs_Kinesis_Solenoid_v1_0 (needs the shutter.m file!)
- V1.0, Thorlabs_Kinesis_Motor_v1_0 (needs the motor.m file!)
- V1.0, Thorlabs_Kinesis_DCMotor_v1_0 (needs the motor.m file!)
- V1.0, Thorlabs_Kinesis_DCMotor_MoveTable_v1_0 (needs the motor.m, Load_Calibration_Table.m & init_motors.m files)
- V1.0, Thorlabs_SC10_Serial.vi
Sébastien MAILFERT Institut Fresnel (Marseille, France), CNRS, AMU
GNU General Public License v3.0 GNU GPLv3.0
Sébastien MAILFERT
Thanks to Andriy Chmyrov (University of Oxford)