The core package. Contains (based on ev3-dev package) and maskor_ev3_bobb3e_node, based on rosserial embedded linux libraries. The library needs to be deployed and the node must be executed on the EV3. This package should/can be configured to cross-compile everything for ARM CPUs.
contains c++ ROS-Nodes that run on the ROS Master PC to make the robot do stuff (e.g. line-follower)
contains URDF model and 3D meshes of the Bobb3e for visualization in RVIZ and/or Gazebo
contains ROS message definitions for all used sensors based on the EV3 users manual (Colorsensor, Gyrosensor, etc...)
Clone the repository:
$ mkdir -p ~/ev3_ws/src
$ cd ~/ev3_ws/src
$ git clone
Install all rosdeps (kinetic)
$ cd ~/ev3_ws/src/maskor_ev3/
$ ./
Install Cross-Compiler (optional but recommended)
sudo apt install g++-arm-linux-gnueabi
sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
$ cd ~/ev3_ws/
$ catkin_make
Ensure that and maskor_ev3_bobb3e_node from package maskor_ev3 are deployed on the EV3. After hat, run the following on the PC (not on EV3!):
$ roscore
$ rosrun rosserial_python tcp
$ roslaunch maskor_ev3_description robot_description.launch
After rosserial tcp server has been started, change to EV3 and run:
$ ./maskor_ev3_bobb3e_node <ip-of-your-ros-master>
You should now be able to send cmd_vel messages to control the Robot.