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Hotwire is a CAM-Tool used for tool path generation for 6-axis industrial robots. The intended use is foam cutting tapered wing profiles using a hot wire cutter. is used for generating tool paths which can then be previewed using the Hotwire_Blender_GUI. For installation and usage of Hotwire_Blender_GUI go to ./Hotwire_Blender_GUI/ This readme is for only.


Tested using Python 3.8.5
Requires following modules:
-PIL (pillow)

Required input

Hotwire requires two CSV files as input which can be downloaded and generated at . The profile length must be set using airfoiltools. The input files must not have a pre-determined angle of attack! (Segmentation algorithm will likely fail to connect properly if one or both files have pre-determined aoas.)

What the program outputs

Hotwire outputs two files (or 4 if mirror is checked):

-1- A CSV file containing the toolpath information. The toolpath is structured as follows:

(n = amnt of segments)
n-lines of TCP movement: TCPX; TCPY; TCPZ; RotnX; RotnY; RotnZ
followed by n-lines of segment 1/2 pairs: Sgmnt1X; Sgmnt1Y; Sgmnt1Z; Sgmnt2X; Sgmnt2Y; Sgmnt2Z;

The latter n-lines are only used for visualization purposes in Blender-GUI and not needed for the actual robot code generation.

-2- A CSV file containing the robot code (robot language RSV).
Robot code position syntax: Base X,Y,Z,A,B,C,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6


-1- Click the folder icons and set both paths
-2- Choose your Segmenting Parameters. Make sure the small/large profile len is set properly according to the actual profile length of the input file
-3- Click "Run Segmenter". Check the 2D plot for errors. The blue line indicates the interpolated contour. The red line indicates the calculated toolpath. Also check the 3D plot(s)
-4- Choose a name for your output folder
-5- Click Save CSV. The toolpath is now saved and can be viewed with Blender-GUI
-6- Find the physical TCP zero point (using the IRL robot) and set it using the "Set TCP XYZ Zero in mm" input field.
-7- Click "Generate RoboCode". All files are saved in ./Output_Files/[folder name]
-8- Transmit the output SRC file to your robot and compile it.\

How the segmentation algorithm works

Segmentation algorithm: Segments both profiles into an equal number of segments and proceeds to connect each segment-pair by a vector. The resulting vector array is then transformed into a TCP movement. A more detailed explanation can be inquired from the docstring of the hotwire() function in /src/

Segmenting parameters: The segmenting algorithm can be programmed using 11 parameters:

Parameter Description
Wingspan Distance[mm] between the two profiles
Sweep Distance[mm] leading-edge to leading-edge
Dihedral Height[mm] sprofile relative to lprofile
Twist Twist angle (angle between both chords)
Tooldiameter Wire + melting thickness (toolpath will be offset radially to account for material melt away)
Dihedral Angle Performs x-axis rotation on toolpath (doesn't actually affect dihedral, must be set by "Dihedral")
Small profile len Length of input profile
Large profile len Length of input profile
Nmb of segments Number of segments created by segmenter
Retract path len Adds retraction path to trailing edge to avoid having the hot wire resting in material
Mirror Mirrors profile and toolpath (will generate 4 files instead of 2)


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