This repository contains a simple Angular app that translate text input to Leetspeak.
- Input: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
- Output: "Th3 qu1ck 8r0wn f0x jump5 0v3r th3 142y d09."
Access the app via GitHub Pages:
The app was generated for serving by GitHub Pages with the following command:
ng build --output-path docs --base-href
You can also use the following script defined in package.json
npm run build
This project was created with the following CLI command:
ng new LeetSpeak --skip-tests --prefix=mide
Check the syntax of the project:
ng lint
Test the app in the browser:
ng serve --open
You can also use the following script defined in package.json
npm start
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (BSD 3-Clause License) for the files in this repository.