Mixed Element Applications with Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin (MEANDG)
Copyright (c) 2018, Subodh Joshi, Tapan Mankodi, Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan. All rights reserved.
MEANDG is licensed under the BSD-3 Clause license. See LICENSE for details.
Eigen library (see ./include/Eigen/) is licensed under MPL2 (see ./include/Eigen/COPYING.README).
Use preprocessor flag -DEIGEN_MPL2_ONLY to ensure that only MPL2 (and possibly BSD) licensed code from Eigen is compiled.
Refer (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page///License) for details.
No files of the Eigen library are modified for use with MEANDG. */
File structure:
- src: contains all the source (.cpp) files as well as SConscript. Add the new cpp files to the Sconscript.
- obj: contains all the compiled files (.o). Can be added to .gitignore as it will be freshly compiled on each system.
- include: contains the header (.h) files
- app: contains application directories. Each directory should in turn contain: Time folder (such as 0): Contains variable (p, U, etc.) data in OpenFOAM format constant folder : should contain polymesh dir with geometry data inside (in OpenFOAM format) system: Standard OpenFOAM files.
- tests: contains output results of all the tests (tests are described in tests.cpp inside src dir).
- SConstruct: Scons script.
- out.exe: executable file generated after compiling the code
To run the code: scons ./out.exe
- Each dir contains a READE file for specifics of that dir. Add more information as required.
- Template functions need to be completely described in the header files.
- Add tests to the tests.cpp. Describe clearly what the tests are doing, what arguments are required and what the user is expected to do.
- Add comments whenever appropriate.
- Install scons on your system to compile the code. On Ubuntu 16.04, this translates to: $sudo apt-get install scons */
- Git tutorial and help: http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Git/article.html
- Book: Nodal discontinuous Galerkin methods: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications, J. Hesthaven and T. Warburton.
- dealII library: http://www.dealii.org