dotfiles for my linux rice :)
・ Waybar
・ rofi
・ wlogout
・ pywal-16-colors
・ swww
・ grim
・ JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
・ SF Mono
Disclaimer: This is my very first rice, pardon me for not having an install script!
・ Please symlink every folder in the dotfiles
folder with the .config
folder! Generally, the command would look something like: ln -f ~/dotfiles/[folder_name] ~/.config/
・ For screenshots to work, please a Pictures
folder inside your home folder, with a screenshot
sub-folder in it
・ For wallpapers, please make a Documents
folder inside your home folder, with a wallpaper
sub-folder in it. Please place all your wallpapers in this folder
Another disclaimer: I have not configured swaylock yet
Oh, and here's the wallpaper in the image I attached above :)
Please text me on discord regarding anything that needs to be fixed:
And please give me feedback on my music too my music!