- Under Construction.
- Contains implementations and notes about Algorithms and Data Structures.
- Also solved exercises about these topics.
- Implementations in different languages.
Data Structures
- Arrays and Strings
- Linked Lists
- Stacks and Queues
- Trees and Graphs
- Bit Manipulation
- Math and Logic Puzzles
- Object-Oriented Design
- Recursion and Dynamic Programming
- System Design and Scalability
- Sorting and Searching
- Testing
Solved Exercises
- Arrays and Strings
- Linked Lists
- Stacks and Queues
- Trees and Graphs
python script.py
In case some flag is needed for the compiler, will be indicated in the script.
gcc script.c -o compiled/script
In case some flag is needed for the compiler, it will be indicated in the script.
g++ script.cpp -o compiled/script
''Programación en C. Metodología, algoritmos y estructura de datos'' by Luis Joyanes Aguilar and Ignacio Zahonero Martínez (2nd edition).
''Cracking the Coding Interview'' by Gayle Laakmann McDowell (6th edition).
''Algorithms'' by Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani.
''Data Structures and Algorithms (Specialization)''. University of California San Diego, Coursera.
- Algorithmc Toolbox. Part I of VI.
- Data Structures. Part II of VI.
- Algorithmics on Graphs. Part III of VI.
- Algorithmics on Strings. Part IV of VI.
- Advanced Algorithms and Complexity. Part V of VI.
- Genome Assembly Programming Challenge. Part VI of VI.
''Curso Básico de Algoritmos'', (MOOC) Platzi.
''Curso de Introcucción a los Algoritmos de Ordenamiento'', (MOOC) Platzi.
''Curso de Algoritmos con C 2017'', (MOOC) Platzi.
''Curso de POO y Algoritmos con Python'', (MOOC) Platzi.