This directory is intended for teaching purpose to illustrate how to design, structure and implement a solver in Julia using an example of PDHG for LP of the form
Part of the code utilize which originally stated Apache-2.0 as its license and
All commands below assume that the current directory is the working directory.
A one-time step is required to set up the necessary packages on the local machine:
$ julia --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
$ julia --project script/run_problem.jl [directory_for_problem_instances] [results_directory] [problem_name] [KKT_tolerance] [iteration_limit]
$ julia --project script/plot_result.jl [directory_for_solver_output] [figure_directory] [problem_name]
$ julia --project script/run_problem.jl --problem_folder=./data --output_directory=./output/solver_output --problem_name=neos5 --kkt_tolerance=1e-6 --iteration_limit=20000
$ julia --project script/plot_result.jl --directory_for_solver_output=./output/solver_output --figure_directory=./output/figure --problem_name=neos5
$ julia --project script/jump_example.jl