This repository contains experimental code of a randomized crossover approach for the linear programming (LP) in the general form
A one-time step is required to set up the necessary packages on the local machine:
julia --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
We use cuPDLP-C (LpMethod=6
) in COPT to obtain the initial optimal solution for crossover, and to solve auxiliary LPs in our crossover. Please apply for a free academic license via the hyperlink for reproducing the experiments.
Test scripts are located in test/
for a single LP instance.test_general_netlib.jl
for testing all the NETLIB LP instances.
Remember to change the path
(and save_path
) in the test scripts to load LPs in .mps
format (and to save the results).
name | default | description |
max_time |
600 | Time limit for crossover. |
tol_bound |
1e-8 | Tolerance to bound for non-basis identification. |
tol_cross |
1e-6 | Relative tolerance for optimality after crossover. |
tol_recover |
1e-1 | Tolerance to recover feasibility during crossover. |
tol_pdlp |
1e-8 | Optimality tolerance of auxiliary LPs. |
tol_feas |
1e-8 | Feasibility tolerance of auxiliary LPs. |
epsilon_zero |
1e-8 | Tolerance to zero. |
verbose |
true | Whether to log. |
verbose_level |
1 | Level to log. |
seed |
-1 | Random seed. -1 means not set. |
primal_push_method |
P_HYBRID | Primal push method. |
dual_push_method |
D_HYBRID | Dual push method. |
ols_method |
OLS_QR | OLS method. |
nrm_type |
L_2 | Norm type used to calculate the optimality. |
pdlp_presolve |
true | Whether to presolve in auxiliary LPs. |
tol_ols |
1e-16 | Tolerance in iterative OLS solver. |
lp_method |
6 | LP method for auxiliary LPs. 6 is PDLP; 2 is IPM. |
max_iter_ols |
1e8 | Iteration limit in iterative OLS solver. |
primal_push_general |
true | Whether to use primal auxiliary LPs in the general form. |
dual_push_general |
true | Whether to use dual auxiliary LPs in the general form. |
push_general |
true | Whether to use auxiliary LPs in the general form. |
delta |
1.0 | Weight of perturbation. |
rhs_shift |
0.0 | Right-hand-side shift. |
gamma |
1.0 | Ratio of primal variable to dual slack for non-basis identification. |