Tiny Turtle is a fun Computer Science activity created by a ScriptEd volunteer that teaches students how to use JavaScript functions. The original documentation can be found here.
#Directions for Set Up
Step 1: New Repo
Create a new GitHub repo called TinyTurtle.
**Step 2: Clone** Clone your new repo into a Cloud 9 workspace with a similar name.
**Step 3: New Files** Create three new files in this workspace. Name these new files...
- index.html
- style.css
- script.js
**Step 4: index.html** Copy and paste the code below into you index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tiny Turtle</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<h1>Tiny Turtle</h1>
<script src="tinyTurtle.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
**Step 5: Canvas CSS** You will notice a new HTML tag is being used. This tag is called `canvas` In the `style.css` page give your canvas tag the following attributes
- a width of 400px
- a height of 400px
- a border (any style)
**Step 6: JavaScript Set Up** In the `script.js` page paste the code below on line 1
Step 7: Play Turtle
Tiny Turtle understands the following commands:
- forward();
- right();
- left();
- stamp(); <------ This shows which direction the turtle is pointing.
Use the commands above to make Tiny Turtle travel in a Square.
Step 8: House
For the final piece of this project create a house (square with a triangle ontop)