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R package to estimate object lengths and morphological relationships from photogrammetric imagery


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Getting started

The easiest way to download Xcertainty is via CRAN:


We have a few vignettes with examples on how to use the different functions in the package to help you get started. Start with the Xcertainty vignette, as this will give a proper introduction to using Xcertainty and an overview of how to use the independent_length_sampler() and body_condition functions. The Xcertainty_informative_priors, vignette provides an example of when/how to use the independent_length_sampler() with informative priors, and the Xcertainty_growth_curves vignette demonstrates how to use the growth_curve_sampler() to construct growth curves for data containing individuals with replicate body length measurements and age information over time.

Xcertainty is currently in beta testing. If interested in providing feedback please use this form:

Developer notes

The following notes form a living document that describes development approach the R package Xcertainty uses.

Package overview

The Xcertainty package uses a Bayesian framework to implement hierarchical models that estimate physical lengths and relationships from photogrammetric data taken with unoccupied aerial systems (UAS). The hierarchical models use a common "data, process, prior" structure to relate observations, such as pixel counts, altimeter readings, and age estimates, to unknown quantities and relationships, such as lengths, widths, and growth curves.

  • Typical data are the lengths of animal features reported as the number of pixels in an image, such as maximum width or total length. Data also include image information, such as the camera's focal length, sensor width, and height above the focal animal (i.e., altitude as reported by a barometer or laser rangefinder). Data may also include estimates of an animal's age, sex, and other variables. Non-length variables are important inputs to growth curve models and other scientific models of population characteristics.

  • The process model relates observations to unknown lengths. Xcertainty assumes a thin lens optical system forms images. The process model uses thin lens formulas to compute the true size of an object from its apparent size in the image, information about the UAS camera, and its altitude. The process model also assumes 1) UAS report altitudes with error, and 2) pixel lengths may have some error from limitations of image quality and resolution, and (generally small) variations in how different users label animal features in images. The process model uses measurement error components for altitudes and pixel measurements to incorporate the additional assumptions.

  • The prior primarily serves to impose relationships between true, unobserved widths. Fitting the model to data estimates the relationships. Growth curves and other scientific relationships are generally considered to be part of the prior. The prior can also constrain and parameterize the process model.

The Xcertainty package provides different xxx_sampler() functions that build MCMC samplers which, when run, fit hierarchical models to the data provided. The xxx_sampler() functions primarily differ in the prior distribution's assumptions and structure. For example, the independent_length_sampler() function does not assume image measurements share any relationships. By comparison, the growth_curve_sampler() function assumes the subjects in images grow over time. The prior distribution associates subject and timepoint metadata with all measurements, then uses a growth curve formula (with parameters estimated from data) to impose an assumption that measurements from the same animal over time are related.

Adding new prior distributions via xxx_sampler() functions

Xcertainty's design goal is to provide tools that prepare, process, and summarize data and model output for photogrammetric observations. Each xxx_sampler() function represents a different analysis that could potentially be run on data. In general, developers should consider building new xxx_sampler() functions to add new types of analyses. New analyses may, for example, add different types of growth curve models or other scientific models of population characteristics. The existing xxx_sampler() functions serve as examples for how to do link data to models. The Xcertainty package uses the nimble package to build MCMC samplers. Developers will need to know how to use the nimble package. New xxx_sampler() functions require the following development tasks:

  1. Add a new "subject/length models" section to the template_model nimble model, found in template_model.R. The "measurement error" model section of template_model processes altimeter and pixel measurements. The "subject/length models" section of template_model uses if statements as "include guards" to determine which prior distribution should be used for unobserved measurements.

    The template_model nimble model stores all unobserved length measurements in a single object_length vector. Developers must specify a prior distribution for each element of the object_length vector they wish to estimate. Prior distributions may require one or more model-specific index vectors to implement, to formally link model parameters to subjects and measurements.

    For example, object_length[15] ~ dunif(min = 0, max = 15) will model the 15th object_length element as an object independent of all others, with a true length between 0 and 15 units (generally meters). Instead, specifying object_length[15] <- min_length + growth_rate * subject_age[object_subject[15]] is one way to link the 15th object_length element to an unbounded linear growth model. Typically, growth models are more complicated and have asymptotic limits. In this simplified example, min_length and growth_rate would be additional parameters with prior distribution entries. The subject_age vector would contain ages for all animals, and the object_subject vector would be used to help associate the right age with the unobserved measurement object_length[15].

  1. Create a new xxx_sampler() function in a corresponding xxx_sampler.R file in the R/ package subdirectory. Use roxygen to make sure the function is installed with Xcertainty. The roxygen getting started vignette and project website give brief overviews of the roxygen system. Plenty of other tutorials can be found online too.

    Importantly, Xcertainty requires photogrammetric data to be pre-formatted using the parse_observations() function. The xxx_sampler() function needs to link the formatted data to the code in the new template_model section. Developers can run the example script in help(parse_observations) to see how pre-formatted data are organized. In general, dplyr's join function can be a helpful tool for linking pre-formatted data to template_model variables.

  2. As part of R package requirements, make sure you create a brief demonstration script that can run the new xxx_sampler() function. Since CRAN requires demonstration scripts to take less than five seconds to run and MCMC samplers can take longer than 5 seconds to build, you may find it helpful to add a package_only argument to the xxx_sampler() function that will only partially build the MCMC sampler. The package_only argument can also be helpful for debugging user issues. See the growth_curve_sampler() function code to see an example of the package_only strategy.

  3. Advertise the new capabilities! Also, record that the new xxx_sampler() function was added to the Xcertainty package in the release notes within the file.

Code of conduct

This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct in By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms

Branching practices

The Xcertainty repository uses several branches to separate development code from published production code, and to aid in managing development processes. The branching model uses the main ideas of Vincent Driessen's git-flow workflow. The branches Xcertainty uses are:

  • main: Contains most recent stable, published version of package. Suitable for installation from an R session by running devtools::install_github('jmhewitt/Xcertainty')
  • development: Contains code for new features, enhancements, etc. to be released in the next version of the package. Ideally, should always be able to pass CRAN checks, as described in the Testing the package section.
  • feature-XXX: Optional practice, in which a large feature can be developed before merging in to the development branch. Can be useful to use when the development branch is stable (i.e., passes CRAN checks), and/or when new code in feature-XXX may interfere with existing functionality in development. Should be a safe place to commit code that is not fully written and may not run, or run reliably.

Testing the package

The package should be regularly checked for warnings and errors that will prevent the package from being published on CRAN. Developers can run checks from their local command line by setting their working directory to the package's root directory, building the package via R CMD BUILD ., and then running R CMD CHECK via

R CMD CHECK R CMD CHECK PhotogrammetriX_XXX.tar.gz --as-cran --as-cran

where XXX is the package version (i.e., 1.0.0). Additional information can be found in the Writing R Extensions manual published by CRAN.


R package to estimate object lengths and morphological relationships from photogrammetric imagery



Code of conduct





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