Make sure that the latest version of node.js/npm is installed.
You can check the current version of node.js/npm by typing the following into you systems command line
$ node --version // shows the current version of node.js
$ npm -- version // shows the current version of npm
Before running the server, you need to install the modules used for this project:
$ npm install // install all node.js modules
To start the webchat using the node.js command line you need to run:
$ npm start // starts the server with node.js
Or start the webchat as developer to restart the server automatically if the code has changed. Make sure you have installed nodemon as a developer tool first:
$ npm install -g nodemon //install nodemon as developer tool
After installing you can run the server with nodemon:
$ nodemon server //.js is optional
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
Simple monitor script for use during development of a node.js app.
node.js realtime framework server