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Operator Manuals

This wiki is the official documentation for MOARdVPlus IVAs. Each IVA has an overview on this page, with links to more detailed information. Links to how-to guides for the advanced props are also included on this page.

MAS FASA RA-01 Command Module


The MAS FASA Retro-Apollo CM uses the pod and IVA models from the FASA mod. The configs are new, designed to make the RA-01 CM a drop-in replacement for the Kane-11-3 Command Pod in CobaltWolf's Bluedog Design Bureau mod.

Included in MOARdVPlus are the FASA Apollo CM, heat shield, parachutes, and parachute cover. The RA-01 uses the docking port, BPC/LET, and SM adapter from BDB.

The RA-01 is designed for LKO and visits to the Mun and Minmus.

NOTE: The art style on the FASA Apollo is different than the art style in BDB. Since I'm not a texture artist, I'm not going to hack up the existing texture to attempt to duplicate CobaltWolf's art style. Likewise, the IVA is not an exact duplicate of the NASA Apollo CM. Where it made sense, I tried to duplicate the general layout, but the instrumentation requirements of a historical space craft do not correspond exactly to gameplay components in KSP.

The RA-01 seats three crew. The seat names below are based on the order of the seats when changing IVA views.

  • MAS FASA Retro Seat 1: The left-most seat (pictured above) is primarily a flight operations seat, with one FDAI front and center, and a second one nearby. SAS controls and action groups are controlled from this seat.
  • MAS FASA Retro Seat 2: The right-most seat has controls for both the MechJeb autopilot and MAS's built-in (and much simplified) autopilot, along with access to the onboard computer and the communications system.
  • MAS FASA Retro Seat 3: The center seat has a number of bespoke spacecraft management controls (docking probe, docking light, BPC/LET jettison, CM/SM separation) and the instrumentation used for rendezvous and docking.

How to Instrument Guides

ASET instruments are advanced. They can provide a great deal of instrumentation if you know how to configure them and how to read them. The following are the currently available how-to guides for ASET instruments.

  • How to ARRT - the Altitude / Range-Range Rate instrument can be used for landing as well as docking.
  • How to DSKY - the ASET Display and Keyboard provides critical orbital and delta-V information.
  • How to FDAI - the Flight Director / Attitude Indicator is an advanced, configurable NavBall instrument.
  • How to X Pointer - when used with the ARRT, the X-Pointer can be used to make perfect landings as well as lining up with a targeted docking port.
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