The Data Gateway is tightly coupled to Studymanager Backend. For local development there are two modes: Combined and Standalone, where the first is recommended.
For the combined setup, first run the development setup for the Studymanager Backend. Make sure to start the Studymanager Backend at least once, as this will initialize the database and all other required services.
Keep the docker-compose.yaml
of the Studymanager running, then you can start the Data Gateway locally. The default
settings in the application.yaml
are prepared to work with these services.
The repository contains a docker-compose.yaml
that can be used to launch the required services
for local development:
docker compose up -d
After that, you need to start the Data Gateway using the standalone
spring-profile to initialize the database.
The default settings in the application.yaml
are set to use these local services. Please note that these services bind
to the same ports as those for the Studymanager Backend, so running both at the same time will lead to conflicts.