BigData Visualization project / Information visualization project: A site has been created in wich is possible to view and interact with data provided by the mathematical genealogy project. Navigable interactive displays have been created in 2D, 3D, AR and VR. With animations and sizes of the displayed data that explain the relationships between the data in a simple and intuitive way.
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- Website code (HTML + CSS + JS)
- Code of the interactive 2D, 3D, AR and VR data visualizations
- Project document with details
- visualize data in 3D force directed graph
- visualize data in 2D force directed graph
- Visualize cirlular tree data extracted from graph
- visualize data in VR graph (using cardoard or better VR Headset like Oculus)
- visualize data in AR using a marker image
- permit interaction in each visualization and between them
- auto update scraped data
- possibilty of merge this project in a distributed computing project