This project holds all important reports and supporting libraries/modules for the AccelaERD server and can be found in C:/workspace/
- -- If you're reading this document, than you are already familiar with this MarkDown file!
- .gitignore -- This file tells git to ignore certain files such as the .env and .log files
- /Lib -- This directory contains custom libraries/modules that support Report/Model functionality
- Set this directory to the PYTHONPATH environment variable so it's contents can be imported by Python scripts
- /reports -- This directory contains reports and execution scripts (.bat files) for them (more below)
This 'reports' folder is intended to manage reports that:
- Are not needed "within reach" such as those reports executed by buttons in the Accela user interface
- May or may not email their outputs to specific users
- Are scheduled for automatic execution to produce refreshed data on intervals
Use Microsoft Task Scheduler to execute the .bat files for the appropriate interval.
Each .bat file should contain a command-line script that controls the execution of Python scripts.