A C++ driver to handle external control of the Peak MicroPulse hardware range over TCP.
Use the inclusions below to have CMake fetch and build the library for you.
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/MShields1986/peak_micropulse_driver
GIT_TAG main
Then link against your intended compilation target.
target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PeakMicroPulseHandler)
See the example, standalone.cpp, which can be compiled using...
cmake -DBUILD_PeakMicroPulse_EXAMPLES:BOOL=ON -S . -B build/
cmake --build build/
Then you can run it using...
The implementation within the example is as follows and provides a template for usage in your own code.
#include "PeakMicroPulseHandler/peak_handler.h"
auto main(int argc, char** argv) -> int
PeakHandler peak_handler(
10, // Frequency -- Currently not used!
"", // IP address
1067, // Port
"examples/mps/roller_probe.mps" // Relative path to .mps configuration file
const PeakHandler::OutputFormat* ltpa_data_ptr(peak_handler.ltpa_data_ptr());
for (int i=1; i<=10; i++){
for (auto ascan : ltpa_data_ptr->ascans) {
std::cout << ascan.header.testNo << std::endl;
return 0;
Data is output as a OutputFormat struct, which is defined in peak_handler.h. It would be worthwhile familiarising yourself with the Peak data output messages as defined in the reference documentation to better understand these fields.
// Output data structures: made to stay close to the Peak DOF message
enum DofHeaderByte {
ascan, // 1A Hex
normal_indications, // 1C Hex
gain_reduced_indications, // 1D Hex
lwl_coupling_failure, // 1E Hex
error // 0x6 and everything else
struct DofMessageHeader {
DofHeaderByte header;
int count;
int testNo;
int dof;
int channel;
struct DofMessage {
DofMessageHeader header;
std::vector<short int> amps;
struct OutputFormat {
int digitisation_rate; // MHz
int ascan_length;
int num_a_scans;
int n_elements;
double element_pitch; // mm
double inter_element_spacing; // mm
double element_width; // mm
double vel_wedge; // m/s
double vel_couplant; // m/s
double vel_material; // m/s
double wedge_angle; // degrees
double wedge_depth; // mm
double couplant_depth; // mm
double specimen_depth; // mm
std::vector<DofMessage> ascans;