Data utilized for this project is about Flights and comes from "", provided by Udacity. I divided data in two different categories; one for univariate analysis and the other for bivariate / multivariate analysis. dataset used for multivariate and bivariate analysis contains more details about individual carrier like all delays, cancellations, total scheduled flights, delay per flight and total duration of delays in minutes. Data has 29 features or we can say columns, and 2389217 number of rows, also contains delays and cancellations information for different carriers.
Most of flights scheduled were covered by a giant airline company Southwest airline, it covers 16.7% of all flights scheduled. Data contained 2.3 million flights information and we observed that 3% of this (71k) were cancelled and 97% were operated. To know the reasons behind cancellation we dug deeper and came to know that there were 4 types of reasons responsible for cancellation; weather, carrier, security and NAS. However weather and carrier turned out to be major causes of all, causing 80% of cancellations.
cancellations per 100 flights scheduled: MESA shows highest %age of about 6% and the lowest (0.5%) is of Frontier.
delays per 100 flights: Atlantic Southeast shows highest value of >16% and minimum of all 3% was observed for Aloha.
delay time in minutes per flight: MESA is at top of delays (8 min) and Aloha airline shows only 1 min delay.
All of this exhausting analysis and coding shouldn't go without any impact, there must be a winner, right? So, our winner is: Aloha Airline Yaay!!! Aloha airline proved to be having minimum of all delay per flight and delay percentage. The airline was also observed to be runner up in lowest cancellations percentage. Unfortunately, someone's victory comes at cost of others' defeat. We also have a loser, and that is Mesa Airlines. Mesa Airlines is at peak of delay time per flight and also runners up in cancellations percentage as well as 5th in delays. But this is not a dead end, they must improve their services and hope for the best.