SUES 2021Q1 Project : Secret Link
Easy2use Feature!
You have no permission to edit ANY code from this project.
- Xampp (Desktop Remote Control only)
- MsEdge.exe (Desktop Remote Control only)
Recommend using Arduino IDE :D
* 1. Add "" to additional DevBoard link
* 2. Download ESP8266 Board
* 3. Download Lib(s)
Then upload my *.ino file
Here is the instruction about Easy2use Feature.
- Put all folders of this project to Xampp HTdocs folder
- Start Apache Module in Xampp
- Then use my *.bat file to control.(Make sure OBS WebSocket Server is ON)
( Here are the Files)
v0.1.0 First release! - Jan.27.2021 UTC 3:52 AM
v0.1.1 Structure Fix Update. - Jan.27.2021 UTC 4:07 AM
v0.2.0 ESP8266 Remote Control Feature Added! - Mar.14.2021 UTC 2:15 AM
v0.3.0 Easy2use and Security Update. - Apr.17.2021 UTC 6:42PM
Mark -Apr.17.2021 UTC 7:00PM