An AIO Discord Bot with osint and more commands.
- /phone - Get information about a phone number.
- /ip - Get information about a IP.
- /whois - Get info about a website.
- /scan - Scan through logs for your email.
- /email - Get breached passwords for an email.
- /proxy - Returns a list of scraped proxies.
- /identify - Identify a hash's type.
- /randomnumber - Random number between two numbers.
- /pwned - Check if your password has been breached.
- /suggestion - Suggest a command to add.
- /portscan - Scan an ip address for open ports.
- /bincheck - Get information about a bin.
- /iplog - Creates an ip logger and get notified on actions.
- /inbox - Creates a temporary email and sends you all emails received.
- /hash - Hash text by a hash algorithm.
- /gato - Returns a random cat picture.
- /doggo - Returns a random dog picture.
- /uwu - uwuify text.