Supervised classification techniques use training samples to find classification rules with small expected 0-1 loss. Conventional methods achieve efficient learn- ing and out-of-sample generalization by minimizing surrogate losses over specific families of rules. This paper presents minimax risk classifiers (MRCs) that do not rely on a choice of surrogate loss and family of rules. MRCs achieve efficient learning and out-of-sample generalization by minimizing worst-case expected 0-1 loss w.r.t. uncertainty sets that are defined by linear constraints and include the true underlying distribution. In addition, MRCs’ learning stage provides perfor- mance guarantees as lower and upper tight bounds for expected 0-1 loss. We also present MRCs’ finite-sample generalization bounds in terms of training size and smallest minimax risk, and show their competitive classification performance w.r.t. state-of-the-art techniques using benchmark datasets.
We will need have installed the following libraries:
- numpy
- sklearn
- cvxpy
We can install the requirements directly from the file "requirements.txt"
pip install -r requirements.txt
To create an instance of the MRC classifier we must first define the following parameters:
- r: number of different classes in the prediction
- phi: Features of the MRC
- lambda_mrc: parameter describing the size of interval estimates (default value, 0.25)
For the MRC instance we also need to know:
- mumVars = number of product thresholds (recomended value, 400)
- k = maximum number of univariate thresholds for each dimension
- d = number of predictor variables / number of columns of dataset X
MRC_model = MRC(r=r, phi=PhiThreshold(r=r, m=int(mumVars/r), k=int(mumVars/(r*d))), lambda_mrc=lambda_mrc)
To train our MRC classifier, we have to pass as inputs, the training data set (X_train) with the predictor variables and the label of each case (y_train), y_train)
To collect the results predicted by our classifier, we run the following line:
y_pred= MRC_model.predict(X_test)
We have left in the folder "tests/pretrained-models" a pre-trained model to quickly test, the file is "mrc001.sav". To use it, just give the test set X as an input value, in the following example, we use the joblib library to import the pre-trained model:
import joblib
filename = 'pretrained-models/mrc001.sav'
loaded_model = joblib.load(filename)
y_pred= loaded_model.predict(X_test)
Data set | LB | MRC | UB | QDA | DT | KNN | SVM | RF | AMC | MEM |
Mammog. | .16 | .18 ± .04 | .21 | .20 ± .04 | .24 ± .04 | .22 ± .04 | .18 ± .03 | .21 ± .06 | .18 ± .03 | .22 ± .04 |
Haberman | .24 | .27 ± .03 | .27 | .24 ± .03 | .39 ± .14 | .30 ± .07 | .26 ± .04 | .35 ± .12 | .25 ± .04 | .27 ± .02 |
Indian liv. | .28 | .29 ± .01 | .30 | .44 ± .08 | .35 ± .09 | .34 ± .05 | .29 ± .02 | .30 ± .05 | .29 ± .01 | .29 ± .01 |
Diabetes | .22 | .26 ± .03 | .28 | .26 ± .03 | .29 ± .07 | .26 ± .05 | .24 ± .04 | .26 ± .05 | .24 ± .04 | .34 ± .04 |
Credit | .12 | .15 ± .18 | .17 | .22 ± .07 | .22 ± .14 | .14 ± .09 | .16 ± .17 | .17 ± .15 | .15 ± .18 | .14 ± .04 |
Glass | .22 | .36 ± .08 | .47 | .64 ± .04 | .39 ± .18 | .34 ± .08 | .34 ± .11 | .40 ± .14 | .42 ± .14 | .35 ± .08 |
Avg. rank | 2.7 | 5.1 | 7.0 | 3.8 | 2.0 | 5.3 | 2.5 | 3.8 |
Aritz Pérez:
Andrea Zanoni:
Adrian Diaz Tajuelo:
Santiago Mazuelas:
Aritz Pérez | BCAM-Basque Center of Applied Mathematics
Andrea Zanoni | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Adrian Diaz | BCAM-Basque Center of Applied Mathematics
Santiago Mazuelas | BCAM-Basque Center of Applied Mathematics
minimax risk classifiers (MRC) is released under the MIT license.
author = {Santiago Mazuelas and Andrea Zanoni and Aritz P\'{e}rez},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
pages = {302--312},
title = {Minimax Classification with 0-1 Loss and Performance Guarantees},
volume = {33},
year = {2020}