A CPU-only path tracer for rendering voxel grids.
- Unidirectional path tracing
- Based on fast voxel traversal algorithm (DDA)
- Perspective camera
- Multiple sampling
- Supports color, emission and reflectivity
- Sun with direction and color
- Simple API
- No thrid party dependencies
- Transparency support
Rnders an image with some predefined settings.
Renders a menger sponge (like in the picture above). The program is executed using command line and has the following options:
-i, --iterations (Default: 3) Number of iterations in range [1, 6]
-s, --samples (Default: 300) Number of render samples
-r, --resolution (Default: 500) Resolution of rendered image
-p, --path (Default: image.png) Path where rendered image will be saved
-l, --light (Default: false) Add a light in the middle of the sponge
-c, --color (Default: Cyan) White, Gray, Black, Cyan, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue
-d, --denoiser (Default: false) Use median filter to reduce noise
--help Display the help screen.
--version Display version information.