A usb device that gets plugged into a computer and over wifi (ESP-12e) you control HID chip (ATtiny85) that sends keyboard commands(print, key press, shortcut) to the computer. It also has a SD card slot to store your macros (sequences of pre-mentioned commands) controlled by ESP-12e and emmited by ATtiny85 to the computer. The UI is web-based and hosted on the ESP-12e.Warning This is a poorly working version. A fully working proof-of-concept version can be found in Releases.
- PCB gerber files and schematic design
- .stl and .gcode files for 3D printable casing
- Arduino code for ATtiny85 and ESP-12e
- macro keyboard
- website with macros
- video controller
- presenter
- keyboard website
- wifi settings
- main menu
- REFER (run another macro)
- COPY .txt file
- website with output
- website with input
- website with pause button
- use LittleFS for websites, files etc.
- make station version
- make C# UI application (mostly to make macros)