step 1 :git init------------ inisializeing git-------------
step 2 :git add .--------------add new create or edit-----
---------what you need to tell them as a message------------------------------
step 3 :git commit -m " what you need to tell them as a message "
step 4 :git status ----------get update files as a notification on terminal-----------
---------------------------connect with github repository-----------------------
step 5 :git remote add origin https://github.com/MadhushaPrasad/testingGit.git
step 6 :git push -u origin master --------------- send to gobale acc--------
git pull --------------how to get globle edit in to local--------
git checkout -b ---------- Switch branches or restore working tree files (git checkout -b iss53 Switched to a new branch "iss53")
git branch -d hotfix ------------Deleted branch hotfix (3a0874c).
git pull origin madusha-android-dev ------ pull another branch
git push origin madusha-android-dev ------- push to another branch
reference: https://madhusha.medium.com/git-commit-resetting-checking-out-reverting-87d73f277824
reference: https://medium.com/@chamodshehanka/source-repository-migration-from-gitlab-to-github-37075befb7ec
reference: https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/